I've owned my shocking piece in both the traditional and modern sense for over 20 years.
I've owned my shocking piece in both the traditional and modern sense for over 20 years.
Can't wait for the stats crowd to get, err, balls deep in this one.
This is impressive.
This is impressive.
That’ll itch when it dries
Jonathan Gullis saying that nobody will give him a job after he lost his parliamentary seat in the summer. He's apparently applied for loads of teaching positions and heard nothing.
Fault of the 'woke agenda' apparently...
EDIT: seems Guru and I were amused by the same thing at the same time
He's lucky the Tories upped the "loss of office" payment from two months to four months after losing your seat then. (Not forgetting they extended that payment to cover MPs who stood down as well, not just those who lost their seat in an election).
Didn't seem very keen on returning to teaching in July: www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cx728nx758go or on teachers last year: www.stokesentinel.co.uk/news/stoke-on-trent-news/stoke-trent-mp-jonathan-gullis-8015511
Can understand why he wouldn't be top of anyone's shortlist based on those two statements alone.
But, yeah, it's definitely "because of woke".
He’s definitely top a fairly strong “risible lack of self awareness” list this morning.
Childish but still amusing (to me anyway).
The automatically generated subtitles in this clip
Psycho on Tipping Point Lucky Stars.
This happened as a result of someone making a joke on BlueSky. It’s very funny, as is Twitter now being 90% people telling Musk to buy The Onion.
The England lionesses* are "role modeling silence". Rather than just not commenting on something.
What. A. Fucking. World.
* Made up name.