Always thought that was another EBP character.
Always thought that was another EBP character.
I think this one was legit as he openly volunteered his back story.
remember dong some MS Paint art wth hm hangng from a noose havng commted sucde.
He fucked off not long after. Whoops.
Who was hs mate who was nto fstng?
Edt: translated nto Yovle
I don't remember that. Might you be thinking of the scouser who was part of something like the Football Supporters Federation? I think he even posted as FSF. I certainly remember him as being someone who needed to calm down, calm down. In fact didn't someone say that to him which made him fuck off? Probably RC again...
I remember that guy, he got pummelled for being a being a glory supporter, and rightly so.
That was the guy who "brokered a peace" between AFC Wombles and Monkey Dons.
The self righteous tool.
Three games into the new season, and the phone in shows are calling the title done.
Thank heavens for the best league in the world, and it's legendary competitiveness!
Day 3 of first aid course. Asked to act out a practical of someone feeling feint, passing out and being treated. Bloke chosen to pass was told to think of and act out the reason for becoming feint and passing out.
So he pretended to be having a strangle-wank.
Wasn’t me btw.
Was his acting believable?
I'd love to know how to mime having an orange in your mouth, and a bin bag over your head.
Did he have a Pot Noodle handy?
One hand pulling on a pretend noose, the other hand pulling at it like a chimpanzee.
Are you 100% sure this was a first aid course?
Sounds more like X rated Give Us A Clue.
It certainly seemed unconventional. But then it’s been about 18yrs since I last did one so perhaps graphic roleplay is the done thing now.
My favourite line of the course was when one guy had prompt sheet thingies on his forehead and people had to describe symptoms to him without using the exact wording.
For ‘swollen red tongue’ he’d guessed all but the last word. So one bloke said to him “it rhymes with mong!”
I think the tutor had well and truly lost control by then. He did say he thought he was in trouble when it wad the first course in a long time that was all men. All coming from construction or manufacturing.