• Gurupanorama_fish_eye
    11 days ago

    Is it just me wondering why this is in “what’s amusing me” thread?

  • 11 days ago

    Honestly I've just been skipping over most of it. Seems like middle aged white men arguing over women's rights should be happening in the House of Commons not a Forest message board.

  • Seanpanorama_fish_eye
    11 days ago


  • Jakepanorama_fish_eye
    11 days ago

    The thing about trans people is it doesn't happen in nature. Homosexuality, in nature. A stallion in a skirt, not in nature.

    If a bloke wants to wear a mini skirt, up to him. But that's the limit of of my liberal view. If he gets upset because I refer to him as male, soldier on, princess. If he insists on using the women's public toilets, fuck off, get in the men's. Society has a million other issues it needs to sort out. This bollocks is distracting us from shit that matters and by constantly bringing it up, people's views being aligned with the views of Nazis is being normalised.

    Be what you want, do what you want, live how you want, but do that within what society deems acceptable, and without imposing your world on someone else's. You want to be Christian, great, but don't preach to me and don't touch my kids. You want to be gay, fine, doesn't impact me in any way unless I fancy joining in. You've decided you're going to be vegan, fabulous, but society says it's alright for me to eat bacon, and I like bacon, so I'm eating bacon. You want to lecture me about animal cruelty in the farming industry, great, but I'm going to munch on my bacon sandwich whilst agreeing with everything you say. Got a specific way you want your animal food to be slaughtered, fine, kill the animal with a Muslim and a Jew shouting shit, it makes no difference to me.

    Up to you. That's the thing, it's all up to you. Take offence, up to you. Just don't impose yourself on me.

    Now I'm sure there's a million ways you can point out the hypocrisy in what I've said. But this is where society is and pushing it beyond this right now is not going to work. Black people are no longer owned by whites, gay people can get married, on the whole we are a society that accepts and is interested in people who are different to us. But that progress is under threat, because things like the trans debate puts the majority on the side of Nazis.

    Another thing, women's rights, equal pay. This battle is being fought wrong. I'll take two roles which require level 3 vocational qualifications, electrician and nursery assistant. The job mostly done by women is paid, newly qualified, FTE about £24k. The job done mostly by men is paid, newly qualified, FTE about £30k. But if a woman trained as an electrician, she wouldn't be paid £24k, she'd still get the £30k. That's where the argument needs to be focused, sick of "gender gap" numbers being shouted without context.

  • chicagopanorama_fish_eye
    11 days ago


    Chicago: Bringing the humour back.

  • 11 days ago


  • noodlehelp_outline
    11 days ago

    Holy shit. Glad I was new-house-sans-interwebs for all of this. Well done those with the patience for it all.

    My only response will be to the above.. and that is to say, as inspired by someone around here, ‘but why are they saying that’ and/or ‘who is it that wants them to say that’.

    These questions are rhetorical. Obviously.

  • trickylens
    10 days ago

    Can be applied equally to both sides of the argument.

    In the Russian elections that first voted in Putin, his media manager had funded both supporting groups, and opposition groups. The power was derived from the split in society because of the arguing, not the detail of the argument.

    This is a technique that has since been globally applied.

    Hence my preference for not stamping out every little fire, or giving the niche arguments undue credence.

  • Psychobelpanorama_fish_eye
    3 days ago

    This was exactly my point. If you're not of the proper demographic then the "left" will tar you as something phobic or irrelevant. You'll now tell me what womens rights are and that women who disagree with you are TERFs.

    just for some context, eldest daughter is a rather militant lesbian feminist. I know, it all sounds a bit Viz. Has received dogs abuse online because she wants spaces where people not born with a cock can have it to themselves. Like sexual health clinics and refuges. She also gets abuse because as a lesbian she would not sleep with a trans woman. The cock issue again.

    To be clear, I have no problem in the slightest with trans people. Apart from one locally who Im fairly sure will end up committed somewhere but thats more a fucked up individual than an identity. Do whatever you do to be yourself but also respect others like the women who, like it or not, feel threatened.

    If I was to offer a solution, Reframe the argument. Seems folk with a rainbow conundrum are look for a black and white solution. Just accept that some folk exist at a point on a scale and stop building expectations or the need to be that other absolute. And you can make better mixed use toilets over time.

  • Psychobelpanorama_fish_eye
    3 days ago
  • JRs_Cigarettepanorama_fish_eye
    3 days ago

    I saw some posts on twitter about checking the movements of Yootha Joyce not Penelope Keith around the time of the assassination. Makes much more sense now

  • Dave_Ravepanorama_fish_eye
    3 days ago

    I saw a post about investigating Joanna Lumley, though she might've just been a Patsy.

  • BrettWilliamspanorama_fish_eye
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