It won't get any traction with his hardcore supporters but that's a minority of his support and, anyway, he's not going to be on the ballot again. (Assuming there is a ballot and there isn't a confected "emergency" suspension of future elections.)
There are some things medically appropriate for a girl, that are not suitable for boys. Like for example cesarean sections. Knowledge of the differences in physique can help with diagnosis of serious illness, and allow for the provision of assistive interventions appropriate rather than otherwise. Also women are not subject to equality with men, and need some levels of protection from them, institutionally, legally, and privately. These physically determining differences assist in emergency situations by allowing quicker appropriate treatments, and may save lives. If you are a boy, who prefers to imagine you are a girl, that's fine, but it might be worth leaving a note to your doctor to not try removing a baby from you, if you present with a tummy ache. And all other problematic complications.
Rubbish. You might argue that 'trans folk' are a smaller group that suffer more harm. But that wasn't the focus of your question, or my response. Women, a very large section of society, suffer many and significant demonstrable harms. Read the literature. The combined scale of which is a more significant problem for society than any marginal fringe group.
Remember tits fanny and forest gate? Anyone actually ready to do anything for women yet, or are we all still mugging them off with gesture politics satisfied with mild word policing and happy to disenfranchise and terrorise them further by prioritising the demands of weird edge case men?
What about “weird edge case” women? I keep hearing about men playing women’s sport or going in their lavvies but (and I realize this is anecdotal) most of the trans folk I’ve interacted with have been trans men.
You can quite understand why they would elect to sign up that way. Given that the needs of men are objectively prioritised over the safety of women. Men are not habitually stalked, sexually assaulted in public, have their drinks spiked, and not often in need of sanctuary in a safe space where the other sex are socially excluded.
I have absolutely no problem with anybody being the person they want to be. If biological women want to identify as male, and share the disgusting facilities we create with our vile male habits, I have no problem with that. Weird, but knock yourself out mate.
I will not support further intrusion into the safety and privacy of women, until we actually extend some level of fundamental financial, legal, and social level of protection, such that they are not under the constant shadow of threat in every aspect of their public and private lives without access to protection and justice.
So figure out how to keep women safe, then we can figure out how to safely let some men take women's stuff again.
Men are largely safe. So women can come and take our stuff. We will be fine. It will hardly scratch the surface.
It's not a straw man though is it?
I'm Aware that some folk in this place have skin in the game. Which is difficult. But I think our rather verbose landlord has largely got the right of it. Be whoever you are. That's fine. But that doesn't trump others voices and rights. Many women for various reasons want spaces to themselves. And didn't we just go through a period of time when we agreed that you have to listen clearly to what women are saying? There are solutions to be had but shouting women down isn't a good one.
And I'll get my tin hat now, this is exactly the argument the left went big on. In large part, the working class don't give a fuck. I'm aware of my gross assumptions here. Addressing a point Tricky made about Reform fibs, immigration. But there it is. Handled really badly for years in that largely we ran away from the topic rather than trying to agree a solution that was to some degree workable and could tell a good story. I know merely mentioning it will get some people's backs up. That's my point.