Surely if it was corruption, they’d want the title race to be kept interesting for as long as possible? Not sure our battle with Arsenal for second is quite as box office. It was a mistake, they happen.
I would consider my political views to be fairly centrist and by North American standards centre-left, so I have a lot of time for most lefty talking points. But it is funny that all the lefties on my various feeds who have forever been yelling at anyone who will listen that the markets and particularly the Dow are not reflective of the health of the economy are now gleefully screaming about how the markets are such a clear reflection of what an appalling job Musk and his Russian sidekick are doing of running the country and the impact they're having on the economy.
I am more in agreement with the latter view than the former, btw.
Well, they are an indicator of a particular segment of the economy rather than, say, people's lives, and it's a segment that Trump et al were particularly courting.
Saying which, the staggering promotion of crypto undermines any residual concept of economic literacy
In general, it’s missing the point to get too worked up about the day to day swings of the stock market being too much of an indicator of the broader economy. But if you make significant changes to the trading arrangements with your biggest trading partners multiple times a week, it creates an instability that will have a detrimental effect on both the stock market and the real economy.
Plus Trump was very keen to use the stock market as an endorsement of his policies when it was going up, so it makes sense to use it against him when it’s going down.
I'm similarly aligned. Im in principle further left but the ability of the folk of that persuasion is toe curlingly awful. Ash Sarkar was a prime example of the ludicrous but the latest piece in the Guardian I don't entirely disagree with. The working class vote Reform I would suggest because totems of the middle class left are plain ludicrous.
Nothing to do with the lying propaganda then? This is presumably a sufficiently toe curling left that makes reform look like a rational coherent philosophy? Really?
I think we all have a responsibility to honestly analyse the idiocies that we are accommodating to prop up our own self image.
You may think that you are a girl. You may think that you are a cracking looking girl. Because you self identify as a girl.