Yes, I guess it’s something like that. It’s clumsy/a bit of a reach, though. I don’t think that the ‘patriot’ types go around getting worked up at crowds of non-white people being rowdy (because them doing so isn’t particularly a ‘thing’). ‘Patriots’ get worked up at non-white people for doing other stuff.. like existing.
Is that why people think she’s wrong, though? Or do they think ‘nowt wrong there, just lads walking to the footy’? Because there are plenty of people in that video being hostile cunts in a public space, right?
I think she thought it was one of those EDL / NF / BF / whatever gatherings rather than a group of young gentlemen heading to an afternoon's sporting entertainment, although I grant you the Venn diagram of those things has some significant degree of overlap.
Seems hard to imagine someone making that mistake.. it looks nothing at all like an EDL march (no banners, no covered faces, the people ‘outside’ the march acting aggro looking exactly the same as the people in it, location entirely not the sort of place those things happen etc). If she thought that, it paints her as someone incredibly out of touch with the thing she feels fit to comment on. Feels unlikely that she’s made that mistake though… even people in the loftiest of lefty-woketard ivory towers must have seen a football crowd before.
I think it’s much more likely she knew what she was looking at, and just thought it all seemed very unpleasant.