The world snooker championship is likely to leave Sheffield in 2027. Probably for somewhere like Dubai. I'm not particularly into it, but it's good for the city.
Given cash-strapped Sheffield Council blows most of its events budget on the snooker each year, this is not as bad as it seems (and I speak as a fan who goes every year).
Yes it puts the spotlight on the city for two weeks a year, and the hotel/hospitality industry does ok, but does it really have a knock-on effect of attracting people the rest of the year? Is Sheffield really high on people’s lists for a weekend break because of the snooker?
Plus, the council money would be much better spent elsewhere (not that I expect the money to be spent on different events appealing to a different audience, it will just be swallowed up by other departments (probably on unnecessary highways measures benefitting no-one, but demanded by the minority Green Party)).
I'm a bit confused as to how you blame a minority party for campaigning on their issues. If bigger parties can't/won't compromise with each other then this is how it works.
Unless we are even booming the fuck out of this place these days, I'm not entirely unsure that community infrastructure is a worse use for public money, than a snooker tournament. And I like snooker.
This should make you highly suspicious. Why are the power holders, who actually made the choices, choosing to draw our attention by blaming someone else? And more importantly, what was so important that they get passed and set up a smokescreen for?
You don't have democracy unless you also exercise accountability. It's on us.
"My Year of Active Travel hasn’t always been easy, but I’ve seen some of the best of South Yorkshire, met some brilliant people and we’ve built some important walking, wheeling and cycling infrastructure. As the YOAT comes to an end, roll on more of the same in 2025!"
So if it's this type of thing that @Jeff_Albertson is annoyed about I think he might be looking in the wrong direction.
In your scenario a majority partner is so desperate to get something through, that they are prepared to give a minority partner, with no power to put anything through, a concession so bad that they are prepared to tell you that it's terrible and all the fault of the nasty greens (or whoever).
No. Political quid pros have been a standard order of business since democratic government was invented, and they're generally a matter of public record. No, I don't think the Green Party of Sheffield is voting to send 8 year olds up chimneys or to sell hospitals to defense contractors in exchange for an extra bike lane or two.
You wanna see some of the shit our recent governments have pulled. It would make you look.
This is exactly the problem. And unscrutinised and unchallenged human nature is to push the boundaries ever more, the more that they get away with. I mean for example for me it is beyond the pale to vote not to feed hungry children in the most malnourished western democracy, that is also one of the wealthiest, and a situation that is entirely of the making of those inhuman cunts. These people should be reminded of their voting record every time they try to speak in public. Of course if it's completely ignored they can get away with whatever the fuck they want to. As they did increasingly for the grimmest decade in our countries history where we actually went backwards on almost every front.
Unscrutinised. Unchallenged.
I genuinely believe we are around a watershed mark for freedom and democracy. I don't think that looking away is going to get the job done for the good guys.
The relationship that you have with your freedom is not a healthy one. I strongly advise you not to take it for granted. A stitch in time, saves nine.