• 12 Apr 2024, 9:59 a.m.

    Game's gone.

  • 12 Apr 2024, 10:54 a.m.

    Born and raised in Melton Mowbray, brother started following Forest so I did as soon as i could so probably around 5 years old. Dads a Stoke fan but wanted us to follow a club closer to home so took brother to a Leicester game and a Forest game, he chose Forest.

    So alternatives were Leicester or Stoke. Not a great selection here.

  • 12 Apr 2024, 11:08 a.m.

    Born in Ashby, my Dad is a Leicester fan (boo) - he took me to a few Leicester games but a friend at school supported Forest so I did too, partly to be different (rebel accountant) - and coinciding with the glory European years didn't hurt.

  • 12 Apr 2024, 11:30 a.m.

    If I take my son = 0
    3pm games, evening or Sunday games = 1 or 2
    5.30pm on a Saturday = 6+

  • 12 Apr 2024, 12:26 p.m.

    Dad was a Grimsby fan because he was from Grimsby. Brother was a ManYoo fan because he’s a plastic. I was raised closer to Mansfield than Nottingham, so probably should have picked Stags but, tbh, I was deep into Forest before I knew they existed…. but I’m basically from proper stock, and I actively rejected the easy plastic options. My best mate supported Forest (his first two names were ‘Martin Neil’, he was born into it) but no fucker else did. I don’t know why I picked Forest.. they were local n’all, but it’s not as if we visited Nottingham ever. I think I just really loved Franz Carr.

    Still.. far far away now. Maybe there should be credit for getting up at 2am every Sunday morning to watch though.

  • 12 Apr 2024, 12:55 p.m.


    but i'll often have a glass or two of wine after - sometimes a non alcoholic beer before and during

  • 12 Apr 2024, 1:15 p.m.

    Dad grew up watching Bradford City one week and Park Avenue the next. When he went to Cambridge Uni he watched Cambridge. He watched Swindon when he did his National Service there and the Barcodes when he got his first teaching job in Newcastle. When I picked 'the team in red' the first time I was allowed to stay up and watch Match Of The Day (the year we came up from the old Div 2 on goal difference) he was happy to take me. It wasn't far from Lestah and I think he quite admired Clough's play football without moaning at refs stance. He had no interest in going to watch Lestah. As a decent level rugby ref he'd prefer to watch Tigers.

    As for my MC (Madri Consumption) -

    Going with Dad - 0 (I was underage for the most part).
    Travelling up from London - 0 when I was driving, a couple of pints perhaps if I came on the train.
    From Bolsover - haven't been since moving here (haven't been to a home game since 2009) but I expect it would be 0 again whatever the mode of transport as I don't really drink lager anymore.

  • 12 Apr 2024, 2:23 p.m.

    Grew up in Wymeswold until I was 14. Dad had a travel agency on Musters Road and two season tickets at Forest, allegedly for customers but in reality for him and one other - often me. Following another team was never an option for me, even when I moved away (Suffolk then Wales then Birmingham then Northants then Norwich then Leicester then Brighton then Northants again before moving back into this area a few years ago). I did go and watch - even support at times - my local teams (especially Ipswich, Norwich and Brighton) but Forest always had my heart. It still takes me pleasantly by surprise that I can walk down local streets and see kids in Forest shirts. I really like being back close to Forest and everything it stands for - feels like I've come home.

    Number of games - all home games bar one or two, plus a few away.

    Madri - usually a couple of pints before or after the game, depending on whether we meet up with family for a meal before or afterwards.

    Distance - 14 miles approx.

  • 12 Apr 2024, 4:15 p.m.

    My Grandad was a Forest supporter. Used to go in a lorry with farm produce to markets in Manchester every Saturday and on way back they would stop in Nottingham to watch Forest one week and County the next.

    From Spalding in Lincolnshire, where I grew up until went to uni in 1988. About 50 miles from Nottingham.

    Had season ticket since was 10 (1980) and used to go with Grandad and one or two of his mates.

    Never have a beer before a game, just never been part of the routine.

    Have all 3 shirts this year.

    Missed 3 games so far, 1 home, 2 away so is that been to 29 league this season (plus cup home games).

    Now live SW London so about 120 miles from ground I guess.

  • 12 Apr 2024, 6:07 p.m.

    Born 1982 in mid Wales. Dad was from Sherwood, him and his brother Forest through and through. Therefore so was I. It helped that we were winning things like the Zenith Data Systems Cup in my youth.

    About 11 moved to Hereford and used to go and see them with my school mates. Still Forest was number 1, but it was funny chanting shit and abusing everyone down Edgar Street. Watched them lose their league status at home to Brighton last game of the season in maybe 1997.

    2000 moved to Nottingham for university. Choice was heavily influenced by Forest. Student tickets were £10 and after Hart's play off season I went all in and got a season ticket. Stayed in Nottingham 8 years, didn't miss many games in those 8 years. Sat and watched that Yeovil game with my Leicester City supporting housemate and his brother. Missed our promotion back to the Championship because same Leicester fan came down to see me after he'd moved to Hull so we sat drinking down on the canal, thought we were certain for the play offs. Moved to Thailand 10 weeks later.

    Been to two games since returning from Thailand 20 months ago, Man U home last season thanks to a mate, FA Cup 3rd round with my elder daughter this season. At the Man U game I was on at least 8 Madris. Living back in mid Wales, still keep up with Hereford's failures.

  • 12 Apr 2024, 7:21 p.m.

    Do you get extra points for living fucking miles away in, oooh, lets say West Sussex or Hampshire, but still making the round trip every home game for a decade or so, including during the Division 3 Megson years, and even when in Divison 2, including midweek at home to fucking Gillingham on a wet Tuesday night and back in the office in Crawley for 9AM sharp the next day?

  • Squad
    12 Apr 2024, 7:23 p.m.

    Unfortunately, as a tee-totaler, you’ve fucked it as far as the ingorithm goes

  • 12 Apr 2024, 7:38 p.m.

    Muswell and I did London to Bolton and back on a weeknight once, both back at work the next day. It was a 0-0 draw, Jussi Jaaskaleinen had a blinder, and Marlon Mk1 missed a one on one in the last ten minutes.

  • 12 Apr 2024, 7:41 p.m.

    Mus drove us to a midweek Norwich game once. We picked up RichOriginal at Stansted - he'd flown down from Glasgow. That was nil-fucking-nil too.

  • 12 Apr 2024, 8:46 p.m.

    I still to this day don’t feel I experienced the true despair of this evening. I was in my early 20s and had just started to see a girl with the best norks ever and following this horror I went to hers and spent the night rattling her. (I’m sure it was just the once but a bit of poetic licence is fine…..).

    However the despair of Sheff Utd away and Blackpool still haunts me so I’ve done my fair share of pain.