• 25 Apr 2023, 3:28 p.m.

    1.You need an authenticator - discussion on them here talkback.trentend.uk/t/authenticator-2fa-and-otp/13/ This is easiest by phone, if you have the facility. I use aegis ( getaegis.app/ ) on android.

    2.Go here turnstile.trentend.uk/reset-password/step1

    3.Insert your username, and press reset.

    4.It should send a link to your registered email address

    5.Open the link ( by pressing the "Reset" button in the email ) it sends, in the same browser that you requested the reset from in step 2/3. If the browser you are using to log into talkback isn't your default browser, then copy that email link instead, and paste it into the browser that you used to initiate the reset.

    If you get a notification that the verification token has expired repeat the process to date, but a bit quicker. ;)

    6.Type your new password (it's your first one, so that you know it, and I don't) in the two boxes and reset. You should receive an email notification that you have changed the password on your account.

    7.You should now be redirected to turnstile.trentend.uk/ You can use your username and the password you have just set to log in. Make sure that you tick "Remember me" for the browser to remember your credentials for a month, so that you don't have to log in every time.

    8.You should now be logged in. You will know if you are because it will say "Hi <your name>". Below that it should say 

    "One-Time Password

    The resource you're attempting to access requires two-factor authentication.
    Register your first device by clicking on the link below."

    Click on "Register Device" - This is where you use the authenticator.

    9.You will be sent an email link to "Register" treat this exactly like the initial link. Opening it in the browser that you have used in the process so far.

    10.Register your authenticator either by scanning the QR code with it, or copying the secret and manually adding it ( the key symbol ), or copying the url and using that - as required by your authenticator. Scanning the QR code with your phone camera into the authenticator app is comfortably the easiest of these options. Select "Done"

    11.You should now be faced with a 30 second clock and an option to add a six figure code in the browser. The code is generated by the authenticator app, and is in sync with the 30 second clock. Add this within the 30 second window.

    You should now be authenticated on trentend.uk. The browser should be showing:

    "Hi <your name>
    One-Time Password


    12.If this is the case go to talkback.trentend.uk/ click the "Sign In" button in the top right corner. This should redirect you to a turnstile.trentend.uk address, where it asks for your consent.

    "Hi ticket
    Consent Request
    The above application is requesting the following permissions:
    Use OpenID to verify your identity
    Access your profile information
    Access your email addresses"

    Click "Accept", then it should direct you back to new talkback, where you are logged in under your display name.