Despite your (Guru's) confidence in the other thread that I could make a fist of the new potential sitcom in town <canned laughter> I was reluctant to turn ....'s Bar into the Gammon and Mince sequel as it's one thing extrapolating a couple of sterotypes based on nicknames and another creating something that would end up too heavily rooted in sarcasm about someone's actual life. Clearly I have no knowledge of many aspects of Russ' life - such as Metal Cruises - to even have a stab at it. And I've never been to Canada. Someone else will have to adopt this project.
We’re talking about Oasis, right? I mean… they are a lot of things, but I have to think this is the first time anyone has suggested they are that thing.
If it helps, I'm listening to a lot of pop and dance music this summer. 50 year old man, newly single, lives in the gym and listens to pop music. The sitcom practically writes itself.
We probably have to wait and see how well the first season is received before we commission the second, but it's not the currently envisaged story arc.
Yesterday, some guy at work comes up to me and says, basically, you're old and British so you must be excited about Oasis reforming.
He was rather deflated that I didn't especially care.
I'm not at all down on oasis. I'm just sufficiently old that they kind of came about after my youthful interest in music. I broadly knocked off from the nineties music scene for jumping the shark a bit, until the dandy warhols lured me back in. So I'm not all that bothered.
I wonder if anyone doesn't know that they are currently flogging concert tickets? Do I have to be told on the radio again every other minute? My dementia hasn't reached that sort of critical juncture yet. It's a sad indictment of their target market.