• Seanlens
    15 days ago

    Is there nothing that Talkback can't accomplish?

    Well done to everyone involved.

  • KarlMarkpanorama_fish_eye
    11 days ago

    3-2 defeat in the snooker league tonight which is an improvement As I've lost 3-0 in the last three matches. My handicap will be rising by 7 for next week so I should at least be a bit more competitive and maybe even win a few matches. So far, I've only beaten the best player in the league.

  • Lessredpanorama_fish_eye
    7 days ago

    Probably going to have to mow today

  • trickylens
    7 days ago

    A meadow?

  • Charliepanorama_fish_eye
    7 days ago

    The Garibaldi Girls video that the club put out on twatter is apparently being shown prematch on the big screens. My daughter and missus both feature, the missus quite prominently.

  • Jakepanorama_fish_eye
    6 days ago

    Did an oil change on my 125cc today. Tightened and lubed the chain, then stuck it on a battery tender. Winter is over. Long live summer!

  • Seanlens
    6 days ago

    Do you do bunny hops on top of a transit van and do a wheelie across finish lines?

  • Loaferpanorama_fish_eye
    5 days ago

    I still remember the 8-bit rendition of the theme tune to that show on the C64 version

  • Muswellpanorama_fish_eye
    5 days ago

    Just successfully re-registered to Talkback using the Authenticator app…not quite sure what all the drama is about.

  • Russlens
    5 days ago

    I had to do mine today. Needed to delete the old entry and re-register with Authenticator, but it wasn't difficult.

  • 4 days ago

    Deleted Reddit and Instagram from my phone. Trying to purge doom scroll apps.

  • noodlehelp_outline
    17 hours ago

    Reddit has uses, but best not to let it be a habit. I binned The Gram a fair while ago because the Zuckercunt made it manifestly unfit for the purpose it once served… which was keeping up with friends via photos of their pets. I’m long done with that cunt deciding what I am interested in.

  • Seanlens
    12 hours ago

    I've never had insta (that's what the cool kidz call it isn't it?) and never really bothered with twitter in its 'day'.

    Facebook has become hard work in wading through the endless nonsense clickbait bilge and shit but it remains lazily useful for adressing insecurity issues through seeking a self percieved validation from strangers, being condescendingly judgemental about apparent life choices of people I haven't seen for 30 years and organising twice monthly imaginary discos.

  • Lessredpanorama_fish_eye
    9 hours ago

    I have never bothered with any of them. Talkback is my only "Social" media

  • Russlens
    3 hours ago

    I like doom scrolling Insta for an hour before I go to sleep, and exchanging funny reels with an assortment of young and not so young ladies. Facebook I still have but don't really do much with bar a couple of long running Messenger chats. Reddit I use pretty heavily.

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