Confused now if Yorkshire folk are the salt of the earth or sub-human scum.
And the same for Shady.
Confused now if Yorkshire folk are the salt of the earth or sub-human scum.
And the same for Shady.
I'm not even going to dignify that with an answer.
Classic venue.. but if you were starting there you were doing it wrong. Meet at lunchtime in the Three Horseshoes and last one out of the Poly-Bop with a munter gets the first round next week*
In my day, the Bricklayers Arms was the best place to go because most of the cunts didn’t know it was there.
(*not that I was interested in, or capable of, such boozy shenanigans)
Isn't this just course and distance of the Otley run*? Pretty sure it was called the refec disco in my day. We lived one valley over in meanwood so starting at the shoes meant heading back on ourselves if we were going to town. Most of the people we drank with lived in hyde park, so the abo made most sense as a starting point - whichever the subsequent direction**.
* 1985-1986 Certificate holder***. Completed three legged with the lovely Laura Dixon.
** We did often do headingly rather than go up 't'ill. Horseshoes sometimes a starting point if we were just going out with people from the house. Well. Technically Bentley's was normally the starting point on these occasions.
*** Lost of course.
When I was living in Headingley the Skyrack was the boozer of choice.
Always my favourite.
As an aside, Mrs J (who grew up in Headingley) was a barmaid at the Headingley Tap way back when. I don't want to hear any stories.
I went to Uni in Leeds and spent a fair bit of time in both the Original Oak and the Skyrack. Fridays were always the Fav, £1 for a pint of Stella.
My cousin was at Leeds. Used to go and see him and drink in a pub in Headingley. I forget the name, something like the Headingley Tap. There was this girl there who worked behind the bar. A proper slapper, gave blow jobs in the toilets to anyone who asked.
And did you?
@Jake for the love of all things please don't respond.
You'll be pestered incessantly for every last nanoscopic detail in glorious descriptive 4K UHD.
I seem to recall that the Rack turned into a ‘bar’ some time after I left and was consequently unbearable.
Was talking to my Dad about my Grandad's role in the War tonight - he was an Army lorry driver, but never served overseas.
Loved driving, was a bus driver for a while post-War, but hated being told what to do.
Dad did remind me of how he became a Forest fan though, which I'd forgotten - my Grandad used to drive the Notts County supporters buses and my dad, then aged nine-10, so late 1950s, would tag along. One week, a guy who used to drive the Forest supporters' coaches was on holiday and my Grandad stepped in - took my Dad and he became hooked on the Red side of the Trent. Then started regaling me about a night match he went to against Blackpool where he saw Sir Stanley Matthews.
(my story is similar, grew up in Norwich, watched Norwich sporadically, Dad took me Trentside for a midweek game (v Norwich, late 80s) and I was hooked - I'd never known an atmosphere like it before).
Very disappointing in the snooker league tonight. Will be missing next week as I'll be in Exeter, so tried to complete next week's match before the scheduled match. They are a high handicapper, so he had a 27 point start. Won the first and lost the next two before we ran out of time, so will have to complete at a later date.
Then played the scheduled match against a player on same handicap. I did well to take it to 2-1 to me, potted an excellent long blue and had perfect position on the pink to take the match. Totally butchered it and he then went on to take the next frame with breaks of 30 and 20.
Now in the relegation zone second from bottom, so need to win the remaining 2 frames in the other match to salvage some pride.
Off to a spa day today. Not expecting a huge amount of Madri.
Sounds shit. We're all about the Heavy Metal cruises round here these days.