Tbf that was pretty fucking offensive.
Tbf that was pretty fucking offensive.
I thought as much. I'd filled it under Mince thinking he's funnier than he is.
Guess I should have added a wink emoji.
Also isn't it like 2am? You should get to sleep young man.
One of my teeth has just fallen out. Top rear one, next to where the wisdom tooth used to be. The only other one to have come out (but extracted, years ago) .
The whole thing just fell straight out. No root, nerves or anything dangling, no blood, no pain. I mean, it was a bit wobbly, but that's all.
It's not rotten or anything. Granted, it's not tippex lumious white, but still.
Weird. Or not. No idea.
Have you got a Geiger counter?
Or arrr you a pirate?
We did that gag 20 odd years ago when my left eye stopped working.
Sounds like you arrr a pirate.
To err is human...
Have you been through any telepods recently? With flies in them?
My twitter account has been ‘permanently suspended’ because after ‘careful review’ I’ve been found to have broken the rules.
The worst I can see I’ve done is say to Jenrick he is ‘beyond the pale’ after he was being a cunt about Southport murders. And a few other challenges to him, all polite enough. No bad language.
So here we have it, the free speech right cutting out any dissenting voices.
Whilst I think they’ve done me a favour as it’s a cesspit, it’s worrying how much they are controlling things.
In this situation can't you just create a different named account?
What does that achieve? To what end? To be fed managed and shaped propaganda, while having your free speech curtailed under a pseudonym?
Yeah, but really can’t be arsed.
Sounds a bit EBP ish.
You describing Twitter or TalkBack?