• JRs_Cigarettepanorama_fish_eye
    2 months ago

    You describing Twitter or TalkBack?

  • trickylens
    2 months ago

    Yes, Yes I am.

  • Resident_Alienpanorama_fish_eye
    2 months ago

    If I only I could wax lyrical about playing crown green bowls.

  • noodlehelp_outline
    2 months ago

    One thing Australia definitely has right is decent minimum wage and collectively-bargained rules for people like hospitality workers. There is almost none of this shit, and most people are clued up enough to resist it when anyone tries to start up any kind of tipping culture.

    A lot of places have a surcharge on public holidays because they are required to pay their staff extra. Which is fair enough.. but, generally, you can enjoy your meal in the knowledge that the people who made it happen are getting paid properly, and the price on the menu is the price you’re going to pay.

  • JimShadypanorama_fish_eye
    2 months ago

    Lawn Green Bowls. Totally different sport.

  • Ingolens
    2 months ago

    You showed him mince.

  • trickylens
    2 months ago

    Used to play crown green bowls when I lived in yokshure. Proper sport.

    Our favourite pub in headingly, where we started every night out (before mobiles and as students few had direct access to a phone... So we always 'met' first), The (ab)Original Oak, had a crown green to the side of the pub. Of course its gone now, converted into beer garden. That was the game of the people, not the more well known these days namby pamby straight lines flat carpet nonsense.

    There were lots of pubs that historically had a green... I think mostly a crown green, because that can give you a more varied game, in a smaller footprint.

    The martins arms in colston basset is one of the examples round this way that lost it's green in my lifetime. (Also to a beer garden)

    We used to go to pubs, to meet people, to talk, to play games. The more southern and stand offish they can make us, the less we learn from each other, and the more susceptible we are to their messaging. It was always thus, whether it was the church or state trying to suppress discourse amongst the masses. Demonizing and shutting pubs wherever they can. Keep the people eyes focused on the pulpit, or on x. Not discussing truth and opportunity freely and having the capability to organise.

    It's one reason the young are so much more clued up than us idiot (near) boomers. Keep your hopes alive, by keeping your pubs alive. Go there. Play. Live a little.

  • Dave_Ravepanorama_fish_eye
    2 months ago

    The Gammon and Mince episode where Mince invites Gammon to go bowling, Gammon thinks he means 10 pin but they end up at the bowls club is taking shape nicely.

  • Ingolens
    2 months ago

    Gammon is probably not going to get the 5 pints of industrial lager and the Rollover hot dog he was looking forward to.

  • Dave_Ravepanorama_fish_eye
    2 months ago

    'NO Gammon, when we said Jack off we meant hit the target into the gutter'.

  • Resident_Alienpanorama_fish_eye
    2 months ago

    Waffling on about bowls and a pedant, no wonder you’re so interested in other people’s sex lives.

  • Dave_Ravepanorama_fish_eye
    2 months ago

    If you don't have your own flat cap and pipe you can get them T'reception.
    No, Gammon, we don't call winning a round 'successfully getting our end away'.
    When we refer to bias we don't mean racial. Honest.
    No, we don't tend to sing 'I fought the lawn and the lawn won'.
    Please remove your tractor from the disabled parking bay. It does not count as a mobility scooter.

  • KarlMarkpanorama_fish_eye
    a month ago

    Fixture last night was postponed, so just played a couple of warm up frames with a retired footballer who is in our league. Turns out he's good friends with Dexter Blackstock and Britt Assombalonga; he started reeling off a list of players I vaguely recall who left Forest almost as quickly as they arrived.

    He's a decent snooker player, playing off scratch, but I would have beaten him in a handicap match.

    Got some further info on the guy I beat last week. I could see he was getting frustrated when I played him; according to the staff, he's offered out at least two other people over the past few years; he barely reaches my shoulders, so I think I could just place my hand on his head and keep him out of reach.

    He hit a 47 break winning 3-0 last night, but thanks to losing toe last week he only has a small chance to catching the bloke who is currently top. As for me, I stand fourth from bottom just outside the non-existent relegation places.

  • Nottingham_Floristpanorama_fish_eye
    a month ago

    Is this why Yorkshire voted 58/42 for Leave and London voted 60/40 to Remain?

  • trickylens
    a month ago

    No. It's because all the intelligent, open minded people in yorkshire moved to london, because they are better than that....and the likes of shades moved the other way ruining their numbers. All those cosmopolitan minded people drag the numbers up (in london - whose metropolitan areas are untypical), but don't let that confuse you into thinking that isolationism increases understanding , reduces bigotry, or enhances decision making.

  • Nottingham_Floristpanorama_fish_eye
    a month ago

    Confused now if Yorkshire folk are the salt of the earth or sub-human scum.

    And the same for Shady.

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