• Ingopanorama_fish_eye
    4 months ago

    We all have them, we once did a bunch of hats for Totally Vegan that said Totally Vegas, but that wasn't the issue here. The customer wanted to place a rush order for 4 polos, refused to use the website on account of this disability, amended the sizes she wanted 7 times and then lost her shit when she missed DPD. I pointed out that if she'd used the website for the correct sizes in the first place it would have left earlier. I said we wouldn't take any orders from her via email again and this triggered a 6 paragraph diatribe, ironically with much better spelling and grammar than we all know I'm capable of. I think she is pissed off because I said I'd refund it if she returned them unused but I'm pretty sure she's worn them. Exciting Saturday tale from the world of garment decoration.

  • trickylens
    4 months ago

    It's often the case that people are most angry at their own deficiencies, and when it's their own fault.

    I am famously angry on the football pitch.

  • Dave_Ravepanorama_fish_eye
    4 months ago

    At about a quarter past 6 this evening our lights and power went batshit mental. Poltergeist stuff - should those things exist. Which they don't. It was clearly some sort of imminent electrical failure, but whilst I've experienced power cuts before I've never experienced this - and I was some sort of electrician. Bolsover Opinions was quickly full of similar posts. Turned out there had been an electrical fire round the corner. One resident reported 'flames coming out of the ground' and 2 fire engines in attendance. Mrs Rave wandered down to have a look. Didn't know she had a thing for firemen. Anyway, they started repairs at 19.15 and predicted a minimum of 4am for power back on. We were reconnected at 23.30. I think that's pretty heroic. Obviously we spent the darkness having a few glasses of wine via candlelight.

  • trickylens
    4 months ago

    'Electrical fire' my arse. Clearly a poltergeist setting fires.

  • Dave_Ravepanorama_fish_eye
    4 months ago

    Putting aside the supernatural we regarded huddling around a candle as good practise for the apocalypse.
    I know. Candle? Lucky buggers.

  • trickylens
    4 months ago

    If it comes to that, for heat and light, I will burn fascists. Easier to find.

  • Dave_Ravepanorama_fish_eye
    4 months ago

    But possibly hard to light. Unless they self combust of course.

  • trickylens
    4 months ago

    This is the sort of defeatist attitude I've come to expect from the middle classes.

    They. Will. Burn.

  • Dave_Ravepanorama_fish_eye
    4 months ago

    You could always pile them inside an effigy. The Trickerman.

  • RCpanorama_fish_eye
    4 months ago

    It’ll need a lot of bad hair.

  • 4 months ago

    Oi you leave me out of this you!

    Chicago: ........

  • Ingopanorama_fish_eye
    4 months ago

    Just had a filling and now my beer tastes of burnt tooth.

  • RCpanorama_fish_eye
    4 months ago

    Why was your tooth on fire? Did you go to a Cotgrave dentist?

  • Ingopanorama_fish_eye
    4 months ago

    I don't think they have dentists in Cotgrave, the bloke who recycles the crucifix nails has a bit of a side hustle helping peasents struggling to chew thier daily mud.

  • trickylens
    4 months ago

    We don't need them, because the idiots from nearby radcliffe drink all the coke and eat all the cake.

    Which reminds me. Is it true that the pharmacy in radcliffe had to close? ...because every time the pharmacist said "you need to take these orally" his customers were dropping to their knees and trying to get his belt open, instead of paying him?

  • BrettWilliamspanorama_fish_eye
    4 months ago

    Shady's most likely had a flagon of that at a pop-up craft ale festival in Camden (and ridden his fixie home afterwards while intoxicated, the rascal...).

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