• 3 Mar 2024, 1:31 p.m.

    Back to the comms point. Why didn’t the lino wave his flag or say something to the ref? Everybody bar the ref knew he’d dropped a bollock.

  • 3 Mar 2024, 1:35 p.m.

    Charlie yiu are still bravely clinging to the idea that the officials want to make fair decisions.

    That moment passed a long time ago.

  • 3 Mar 2024, 3:30 p.m.

    There absolutely is the same level of controversy in US sports, but it tends to be around the favouring of particular players versus particular teams. In the NFL it's very clear that some star quarterbacks are more protected when it comes to roughing the passer penalties, and the NHL similarly looks after its star players in the way it penalises anyone who dares offend them. I don't know about MLB or the NBA because I don't really follow either.

  • 3 Mar 2024, 7:58 p.m.

    When a decision is egregiously wrong like that, it can be bloody distracting. Which still doesn't excuse Taiwo and CHO getting under each others' feet.

  • 4 Mar 2024, 1:07 a.m.

    I’m not excusing the ref. Ref’s make mistakes all the time.. some reasonable and some not.. and part of the game is trying to make sure that the only mistakes that matter are the ones you are on the right side of. And maybe Liverpool did that better on this occasion.

    If MGW remonstrated then good. I didn’t see that but it is the correct thing to do. Obviously. A better thing might still have been for us to get the ball and have it in the right place ready to restart play correctly. It’s harder for a ref to direct that someone sends the ball to the wrong place, than it is for him to ignore someone with his head in his hands. Players spend a lot of time with their heads in their hands and there might be a reason why refs don’t place much importance on it.

  • 4 Mar 2024, 7:50 a.m.

    Other highlights include but are not limited to:

    Yates being sent off because a poor angled photo shows him being 5 yards closer to a player than he was in reality.
    BBC bias towards the Manchester clubs.
    An incident in the first half that was apparently identical (it wasn't).

    It's a route to madness to read this crap but it is worrying how blinded by football bollocks people can become that they no longer process reality.

    Scousers gonna scouse TM.

  • 4 Mar 2024, 8 a.m.

    Catching up on the game and caught the extended highlights here. If this is indeed indicative, it would appear quite miraculous it took the Scousers until the 99th minute to breach our goal.

  • 4 Mar 2024, 9:48 a.m.

    For all of their possession we limited them to few clear chances. One really good Murillo block, a really good save from what would have been a unfortunate own goal and another good save with his foot from a Dominguez error. We've arguably had as many chances as them with Elanga, MGW etc at the other end

  • 4 Mar 2024, 9:58 a.m.

    Nottm Forest (1.10) 0-1 (2.21) Liverpool


    You are always likely to need an element of bad finishing to get anything from these games.

  • 4 Mar 2024, 11:37 a.m.

    xG is of course bollocks though

  • 4 Mar 2024, 12:28 p.m.

    There's a danger that slavish adherence to statistics turns you into a complete wrong'un.

    For example. They will tell you that statistically VAR has resulted in a higher percentage of correct decisions. This is complete bollocks. What has happened is that there is a marginal improvement in correctitude for those decisions that VAR gets involved in. Which are the ones that competent sharp referees were doing pretty well with, and ignores those decisions that are not being "re-refereed", are above the threshold or criteria for VAR involvement, or are in the middle of the park where everyone has lost interest in a fair playing field and laws of the game. Which are very much the ones that needed an extra pair of eyes on, from the telecasting angle, and helping the ref come to a decision on. .... and I don't mean after agonizing about it for five minutes.

    Play is continuous is one of the abiding principles of football. Except this lot have killed it. Along with a load of other things. There are ways of making VAR a positive, but what we have got is the other thing.

    There will come a time when football is all VAR and statistics, and I hope that I'm dead when it happens. Though I'm going to need to get a wiggle on and develop some terminal habits sharpish.

  • 4 Mar 2024, 7:21 p.m.

    We lost because we couldn't defend or score, not because the ref made a mistake. I am fed up of hearing about it. Practice fucking shooting and defend better then the ref won't matter.

  • 4 Mar 2024, 7:25 p.m.

    Kept Liverpool out for 98 minutes = can’t defend.

  • 4 Mar 2024, 8:02 p.m.

    Yean but did we practice shooting? A good manager would have a plan to practice shooting

  • 4 Mar 2024, 8:07 p.m.

    If you want to see a team that can’t defend, I can recommend Sheffield United v Arsenal. Arsenal spurn three good chances before scoring their first inside five minutes..

  • 5 Mar 2024, 1:02 a.m.

    One reason people give for Micheal Jordan’s dominance is that calls often went his way.