• noodlehelp_outline
    2 years ago

    Yes indeed. Non-binary means, kinda, opting out of gender. Some people might have surgery (I think a fair few chesty non-binary folk have their norks lopped) but if someone is biologically female and hasn’t been on blokeifying drugs there’s not the slightest issue with them competing in female sports. It is entirely unlike the more thorny matter of people biologically male competing in them (which, for the record, every single trans person/advocate who isn’t an idiot recognises is complex and necessitates rules based on physiology, not psychology).

    Ms noodlé is non-binary and prefers they/them (and is absolutely not, in fact, a Ms) and has dumped the birth name in favour of something ambiguous. It’s a social change, not a medical/physical one.

    I know they/them feels clunky… but, really, the ‘singular they’ is very ordinary indeed and everyone uses it often. We’ll get used to using it for people who we’d previously have used a gendered pronoun for.

  • trickylens
    2 years ago

    Except that is effectively de-facto gendering them against their express wishes?

    Surely a non-gendered person, should by definition be (self) excluded from a gendered sport classification?

    For the record I am entirely supportive of people wanting to be judged as individuals, and not automatically objectified. In my simplistic boomer head this is a big part of the problem here. I can't help but think that if we all had a healthier and more civilised reaction and response to each other, rather than differentiating our behaviour based on perceived gender...which is actually a codex for institutionalised sexualization, then an individuals view of themselves would be less important...because nobody would assume otherwise, or treat anyone differently. So once again an onerous oblique framework is constructed to avoid addressing the actual problem.

    Of course this is muddied by the natural tendency (and actual useful behavioural coping mechanism) towards generalisation, versus embracing individuality. Shorthand: We don't have a natural lifespan sufficient to treat everyone we meet as individuals. Success as a species and as individuals relies, to some great part, in making broadly good (working) decisions, quickly and frequently. So while I celebrate your right to see yourself as you wish to think of yourself....I can't afford you to compel me to invest in you, and your silly (or otherwise) ideas. I have a life to live, and you have not sought my consent to consume me as a resource, nor are you going to recompense me for pointless and tediously irretrievably wasted time as I hurtle towards an inevitable and ever more imminent death.

  • Russlens
    2 years ago

    No? They're allowed to define themselves however they wish, and provide themselves with whatever exceptions to that definition they wish. Quinn is biologically female and wishes to be known by the pronoun "they", if they wish to self exclude until such time as an open tournament is available for them to compete in then they're welcome to do so but they have chosen not to. I'm not sure why you feel the need to be prescriptive on what they should or shouldn't think about themselves, or how they should act upon that self definition. In this case they're entirely comfortable competing in a women's tournament and the authorities have no issue with it because they are entirely biologically eligible.

    If your life is that short and that busy, practice what you claim to preach and stop spending precious minutes worrying about others' definition of themselves.

  • trickylens
    2 years ago

    This demands a requirement of me to put them on a list, and remember. I'm not very good at such things, and consider it an onerous imposition.

    I'm not. I, as I have explained, am quite happy for people to think of themselves however they want to, and behave however they wish (within a context within the boundaries deemed acceptable within societies rules). I expect the courtesy to be extended to me in return.

    In the dilemma between generalisation versus individualisation, if someone actively participates in a general classification group, in this case 'womens football', without investing in them as an individual, I am likely to think of them in that context. Unless I keep a list of exceptions. Which i really can't be arsed to do on the basis of a bunch of strangers preferences.

    Nothing personal. Literally.

  • Joannapanorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    I totally agree with this.
    I'm not sure why people have such a problem with "they" for one person, we've used it for years. For example when a delivery person drops off a parcel for someone but you didn't actually see them deliver it, you might tell the person it was intended for that; They dropped that parcel off for you, they've left it in the shed.
    You're not suggesting it was more than one person, just that you didn't know the gender of that person.

  • trickylens
    2 years ago

    Should you assume that you don't know the gender of someone, if they specifically include themselves in a gender specified classification. Like the women's world cup?

  • Joannapanorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    That was just one example of "they" being used as a singular. I did not say it was the only reason for it. Some people might just prefer to be referred to as They, some people might not be sure themselves etc etc

  • noodlehelp_outline
    2 years ago

    Who is demanding this? I’m guessing you had never had cause to consider their pronouns before this discussion, and never will again. You’re being a bit Fox News about it, tbh.

    In real life, trans and non-binary people just want others to be polite and try and use the preferred pronouns as they would a name (something that almost all boomers are capable of learning for everyone, rather than just, I dunno, assuming someone is called ‘Nike’ because that’s what’s written on their jumper.)

  • trickylens
    2 years ago

    Quite so. I don't recall ever having had recourse to call someone by a pronoun to their face, and what I'm calling them behind their back is none of their business.

    I don't get what they are trying to achieve by insisting on making a point of telling me. When I'm really not at all interested*. If I was, I'd make some sort of charming effort to find out.

    * There are 8 billion people in the world. With a minuscule, almost unmeasurable, percentage of error, I'm not interested in 8 billion of them.

  • noodlehelp_outline
    2 years ago

    Has anyone who’s pronouns you do not care for, and/or have no reason to care for, ever ‘insisted on making a point of telling you’. If so, has that impacted you any differently from the plethora of things-people-say-that-you-do-not-care-for that, surely, assault you daily?

    Of all the things that you do not care about, why are you investing energy in telling us how much you don’t care about peoples preferred pronouns?

  • trickylens
    2 years ago

    We are talking, I believe, about the contradiction in an individual saying on the one hand "I do not see myself as gendered, and I do not want you to talk to me as is if I'm gendered", while also saying "I'll have a bit of this thing exclusively for the female gendered".

    Now I can understand what's got us all to this position, but that's definitely something that really needs sorting out.

    We are just discussing the merits of 8 billion people accommodating the illogical behavior of an individual, versus perhaps that one person not worrying about it, and negotiating their place and treatment in the world, and with people that they know, on a need to know basis when it comes up, as has been customary throughout the entire history to date of the species.

  • noodlehelp_outline
    2 years ago

    There are two entirely distinct topics going on and as you keep hopping between them whenever you get a question you don’t want to answer, and whenever you do so you completely ignore what’s already been said on the topic you’ve hopped to, it’s impossible to work out what your issues/questions are.

    Are you bothered about pronouns, or are do you think there is a problem with a biological female competing in the sporting classification that exists specifically for biological females?

    For what it’s worth, I thoroughly reject the premise that there is a contradiction here. For one to be found, and given the things already patiently explained on this thread, one must be working quite hard to misunderstand gender, female sporting classifications, or both.

  • trickylens
    2 years ago

    I'm going to respectfully disagree. It says to me that "I don't want to be considered as female, except in this thing where I need to be female to participate. Don't speak to me with the assumption that I'm a woman though.". That feels contradictory. I accept that I might have a thoroughly incomplete and incorrect understanding of the world. As do we all.

    I'm discussing it, because we are discussing it. You will notice that I have not posted in the "things that I think about too much" thread on this particular topic. I don't. I just shuffle people that I don't know, who tell me how I should express myself, and the form in which I should speak to them, and by implication what it's okay for me to think - irrespective of their behaviours, very much to the bottom of the pack.

    So no, not really bothered about pronouns at all. Quite the opposite. Nor do I particularly expect the world to re-orientate itself to accommodate the funny ideas in my head, and nor am I likely to request you to speak to me only as if you have agreed to accommodate such. I encourage all discussion, even if it's not really something that I want to hear. In such a way is true understanding and consensus built. Rather than by prohibition and dictat.

  • Simonhelp_outline
    2 years ago

    Is the women's world cup only for biological females? The "progressive" position seems to be that if any biological males want to compete in it, it would be bigotry to stop them.

  • Resident_Alienpanorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    Quite the goal just now.

  • JRs_Cigarettepanorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    Doesn't all this become much simpler (though still some areas of complexity) as long as we are clear on the difference between sex and gender. Women's world cup is based on sex, so doesn't matter if you gender identify as a man, woman, cat, your sex determines whether you are eligible.

    Complexity is still there when people have changed sex (hormones, operations etc), but it's a much smaller amount of complexity.

    I am sure the above gets me on the naughty step.

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