• 12 Sep 2024, 6:42 p.m.

    A 10mph speedball?

  • 15 Sep 2024, 1:05 p.m.

    Drinking on your own, or out with a few friends?

    I spent most of last week in London, couple of beers each night catching up with either colleagues or old friends, didn’t drink as much as I used to but enjoyed them and felt fine the next morning.

    I don’t drink much in the house, apart from the odd glass of wine with dinner, partly as Señora Mus doesn’t drink.

    Mus: not ready to give up yet.

  • 18 Sep 2024, 7:19 p.m.

    The number of people strolling around tube stations, staring at their phone, paying no attention to their surroundings seems to have increased significantly in the last few months.

  • 18 Sep 2024, 8:26 p.m.

    Did you type this whilst in the tube?

  • 18 Sep 2024, 8:57 p.m.

    Currently on the tube. The phone coverage is really ramping up. I've pushed post on this in a Northern Line tunnel. Which I presume is linked to Simons comment.

  • 19 Sep 2024, 5:44 a.m.

    Most likely it has not, rather what has probably happened is that you have advanced to the next phase of being a grumpy old cunt who thinks everyone else is existing incorrectly*. It’s not that there is more of it, just that you’re less tolerant of it and, consequently more aware of it.

    TLDR: Ok Boomer

    *which they are, obviously

  • 19 Sep 2024, 7:08 a.m.

    Next you’ll be telling me it’s unreasonable to apply a twelve month flying ban for those people who stop their trays after security screening to slowly unload them while everyone else’s tray gets backed up in the machine. (Five years for a second offence, death penalty on the third.)

  • 19 Sep 2024, 7:11 a.m.

    Nothing shows the downhill of society like the announcements we now have on the tube telling people to please take their backpacks off their backs so there is more room on the train.

    People having to be told to be decent with consideration for others, we are fucked.

  • 19 Sep 2024, 7:23 a.m.

    Also, what probably triggered it was a phone zombie walking into me at London Bridge, after which I noticed the slow walkers i had to dodge who were staring down at phones.

  • 19 Sep 2024, 7:30 a.m.

    We haven't done it for a while, so the "as long as the kiddies are happy that's all that matters" mob and the cutthroat partisan carnage causing school run huns are due another battering by vitriol.