The world has moved on massively past that. I'm pretty sure that large organisations use CDN side workers and actions, in combination with search engine promotion and information from big data combined with AI, to serve almost individual customised web applications to the dumb user. When you go to the web, they already know what the market, and even you the individual, wants to do and what you will pay.
If they don't already, it won't be long. Although anecdotal evidence seems to suggest that, at least in part, they have largely moved from seeing what you want to do, to actively shaping your demand.
You only have to look at segmented markets and differential and on demand pricing (what the UK consumer will pay for sporting rights versus other territories, on demand oasis ticket pricing, etc.) From the observable evidence.
From the other end of the telescope, I can get access to free geo-caching and hosting, because organisations can learn about my customers from their web habits, and finely hone how to compete, dominate markets, and maximise profits, through the traffic and decrypted requests and served responses.
This is a direct consequence of deregulation, a failure to hold organisations to the standards and values of the territories in which they operate, and the prioritisation of profit over individual rights and consumer regulations.
It's the milking stage of domesticated populations. Like humans domesticated wild animals to farm them for easy access to food. So now we are being returned to a feudal legislative framework and being farmed by our betters in big business.
It is what it is. Mushroom cultivation (kept in the dark, and fed shit) of wider society to be consumed by business sharks.