• 23 May 2023, 4:18 p.m.

    I figured it out. The site upgrade seems to have activated some settings which you can turn off.

    Click on your avatar in the top right corner > Forum Options > Notifications Preferences > set "Automatically watch threads I start:" and "Automatically watch threads I reply to:" to No.

  • Squad
    23 May 2023, 5:23 p.m.

    Just done the same. There should be a one tick curmudgeon option for this stuff.

  • 23 May 2023, 5:49 p.m.


    At the very least I need notifications by email to be turned off, and I've made a request to set it to notify on site by default.

    The email server(1) is getting hammered with all the unnecessary email notifications and has reached a backlog. It's not good.

    (1) the email server I use has a limit of 300 outbound email per hour, per email address. So this causes a significant problem as the site send is from one email account.

  • 23 May 2023, 5:54 p.m.

    As a slightly clumsy interim measure, you could just go into each user's profile and change their settings. If you start with the most prolific posters you'll fix 90% of the problem, and it's not like there are hundreds of us. Then if people really want to use the function they can actively turn it back on.

  • 23 May 2023, 6:04 p.m.

    There is not an admin function for that, and I do not control individual users logins, and I do not want to go and do that for every user if I could.

    misago authors suggests

    In the short term If everyone could go to 'Forum option' in their user panel, and remove notify by email unless they specifically require it, it would help in the interim.

    A big problem is that users who are not logged in, but have featured in threads (almost everyone) are still potentially racking up email notifications).

    The misago author has put disabling email notifications as an admin function on the roadmap, and this will be the ultimate solution.