Feel your pain.
I wonder if there are any statistics on how many good people went to bed early on Kristallnacht?
Feel your pain.
I wonder if there are any statistics on how many good people went to bed early on Kristallnacht?
Jesus Christ could you cheer me any further?
Chicago: Looking for bullets.
Chicago: Looking for bullets.
Shot. Shotguns don't fire bullets, they fire shot.
Are you sure you should have a firearm? I'm not convinced it's the best idea.
It was a joke. I know what a shotgun uses. I unfortunately only have the license currently and am after a 19" Mossberg because the longer barrels are a hinderance in a house. www.mossberg.com/firearms/shotguns.html
I also have to have some training to go with the purchase because y'know dangerous weapon.
Hopefully it is just a deterrent and I don't have to use the bugger because if truth be told guns scare me..
Chicago: Deadly serious.
What's the statistic? More homeowners (homesteaders?), are shot with their own gun, than with someone else's?
Very difficult to shoot yourself with a shotgun unless you are committing suicide. Wifey isn't allowed a handgun because I have seen how she acts at gun ranges. As in she doesn't put the fucking thing down before she turns to ask a question. So she is allowed a pepper spray gun. The shotgun is purely a deterrent.
And also no national news...at least if I can help it.
Local will leak out.
I suspect we will all choke to death on the fumes of big business before any gun play ever happens..
Chicago: Yacking to a bunch of web mongs.
Very difficult to shoot yourself with a shotgun unless you are committing suicide.
Not so difficult for someone getting in to your house, to get it before you, though.
@chicago has written:Very difficult to shoot yourself with a shotgun unless you are committing suicide.
Not so difficult for someone getting in to your house, to get it before you, though.
Only if they knew where it was and it wouldn't be in the open fucko.
Chicago: Camouflage Agent
I became so incredibly fatigued by the previous shitshow that I’m avoiding as much news as I can. As social media made things demonstrably worse I deleted Twitter when Phony Stark really ruined it and have now binned Reddit as that wasn’t much better for avoiding the crazy.
Third time’s the charm but I’ll wait for someone else to let me know.
yep, thats pretty much my approach, Señora Mus insists on watching CNN, i’m avoiding most cable news stations like the plague. For once #stick to sports is working for me.
So Chic has got a 12 Bore to shoot Mexicans? This can only end well.
I agree. Someone in that house is definitely going to inadvertently shoot something in the coming months. Best case it's just furniture/wall.
@chicago has written:Very difficult to shoot yourself with a shotgun unless you are committing suicide.
Not so difficult for someone getting in to your house, to get it before you, though.
My assumption is that the average american housebreaker is probably armed before they get into the house.
People living with handgun owners died by homicide at twice the rate of their neighbors in gun-free homes. That difference was driven largely by homicides at home, which were three times more common among people living with handgun owners.
...people living with handgun owners were seven times more likely to be shot by their spouse or intimate partner. In many of these cases, instead of being protective, the household gun probably operated as the instrument of death.
.......Study findings in one other area were noteworthy: homicides perpetrated by strangers. Homicides of this kind were relatively uncommon in our study population—much less common than deaths perpetrated by the victim’s partner, family members, or friends. But when they happened, people living with gun owners did not experience them less often than people in gun-free homes.
Feel your pain.
I wonder if there are any statistics on how many good people went to bed early on Kristallnacht?
As it’s not unheard of for ICE officers to visit schools, I might not have that luxury.
ICE is probably the least of your concerns as he (trump) wants to get rid of FEMA now so I guess you should move out of the Hurricane zone.
It’s quite nice where I live but expensive (as evidenced by our anniversary meal last night), and you are less likely to be killed by the weather.
Chicago: Living in a bubble.
How many Mexicans have you shot today?