Your question contains an idiotic assumption that doesn't apply. So let me not answer it.
Football has always had sub optimal things about it. Sometimes an individual thing becomes a deal breaker (the leed fans behaviour after the European final in the seventies, Derek Pavis owning notts, are just two examples of 'she cut her hair' moments in my immediate family), more often it's a combination of things, or a personal transition.
Since the circumvention of collective governance of English football, at the advent of the 'ship, it's been growing and also dying. The opposite of levelling up, an erosion of competition, fairness, and a pre eminence of the haves over the have nots. The balletfication and muddle of what was a simple and physical game, to a complicated arcane exhibition of 'we have more than you, and you can't touch us'.
The SSC thing had no fucking chance of happening, and was achieved through football things. Predominantly. A miracle.
It wasn't that anything since has quantum level happened to have me change state. It's more that the miracle of promotion temporarily lured me back in. To a tiny localised degree.