• 21 Aug 2024, 9:05 p.m.

    I think it remains to be seen whether he’s “only a little better than either at best”. We don’t know how this (or any transfer) will work out at Forest… but…

    Woody’s contract expires at the end of this season, & in any case he is a totally different kind of player to EN. Taiwo has more of Nketiah’s mobility, and we all know that a properly fit Taiwo is a real handful for even top class defenders… but we also know he hasn’t really been properly fit for months.

    There’s a premium for home-grown, in addition to the premium for strikers in general, but Nketiah works his arse off, will make runs that neither of the others will (and vice versa, especially in Taiwo’s case). In short, he gives us something completely different. I’m failing to see how that’s a bad thing, & it’s somehow typical that our webmong fans have been yelling at the moon for weeks that we want a striker… and now it looks as though we’re signing one, a high proportion of them are turning their nose at him. Bonkers.

  • 21 Aug 2024, 9:10 p.m.

    I remain surprised that we can make the numbers work...and that he considers us a suitable vehicle for progression. But if that's the case, I'm pretty sure we're getting a decent proposition. A striker with a bit more work around and off MGW would be a very good thing....even if his personal numbers are not stellar, it will drag us forward in less obvious ways. There are clubs paying more, for worse options. IMO. YMMV.

  • 21 Aug 2024, 9:40 p.m.

    Moreno confirmed by the club.

  • 21 Aug 2024, 10:12 p.m.

    Absolutely. I'm just non-committal.

  • 21 Aug 2024, 10:26 p.m.

    I’d imagine the seasons CHO and Elanga had with us after leaving Chelsea and ManU, not to mention the prospect of playing with them and MGW is pretty appealing. He’ll get to play, he’ll get chances when he does and if he takes those chances, he’ll stay in the team. Best case, maybe he goes to the tier below top 6 next summer.

  • 21 Aug 2024, 11:02 p.m.

    I want Taiwo to play and succeed with us because he has what we need. He is a massive handful but he has to remain fit. If he is in decent shape I would want a charged up big fella playing against Soton as I think they would shit themselves. Then when they get tired then they have to deal with Nketiah and Possibly Wood too. I like this proposition.

    I also think we are after some some more south Americans. I think prospects though so hopefully they won't bankrupt us.

    Still think we need another full back after Richards leaving. Toffs I like but just need that first teamer to go with crock pots Aina and Moreno.

    Chicago: Striking out.

  • 21 Aug 2024, 11:02 p.m.

    Sometimes when the facts are but a few hours away, I can resist the urge to crack one out…masterful inactivity, as they say.

    I haven’t speculated on when he will be back. I agree two months is extremely optimistic. All I’ve said is the injury is not as bad as people first speculated. Which I think we are extremely happy about.

  • 21 Aug 2024, 11:22 p.m.

    Well. Nor is it unscientific to develop hypothesis for multiple scenarios, and see how subsequent observation and testing supports one over another. Though as Feynman observed, medicine doesn't operate on scientific method. So the point is moot.

    I think from a discussion perspective, given that we won't know at least for several months, a bit of speculation is not unmerited. By your rules hardly any words would be written here. Given that I'm far from convinced that most of us can observe objective reality, even when it's slapped around our chops, some healthy making stuff up like everyone else does won't do us much harm.

  • 22 Aug 2024, 8:14 a.m.

    Looked like an amputation job to me. Probably need a robot foot fitting. Back next week.

  • 22 Aug 2024, 8:16 a.m.

    Good lad. Taiwo could learn a lot from his attitude.

  • 22 Aug 2024, 9:03 a.m.

    Assuming Nketiah signs, we want three goalkeepers (regardless of what happens with Turner), and Danilo is included, then, by my reckoning, we are already up to 24 of the 25 man squad. (Moreira is under age and doesn't count.) Even if you assume Worrall, Mighten, Bowler, Dennis and Hwang are all on the way out.

  • 22 Aug 2024, 9:07 a.m.

    I think you can assume that. Fair.

  • 22 Aug 2024, 9:25 a.m.

    Nuno doesnt seen to be getting that small squad that he desires.

  • 22 Aug 2024, 9:44 a.m.

    I was more thinking that some of them might be harder to shift - Hwang with his "personal issues", especially.

  • 22 Aug 2024, 11:27 a.m.

    Mexicans say we've bid same amount for Gimenez as we have Nketiah, Gimenez has been turned down and is not now happening. But that could just be inference derived from the widespread reporting from reliable sources on Nketiah deal being basically agreed.

  • 22 Aug 2024, 3:39 p.m.

    Based on no evidence other than Youtube, Im not that keen on Giminez. Looks like a championship run a lot