• 2 Jul 2024, 5:59 p.m.

    Romano has given it the hwg, but I haven’t seen an OL confirmation

  • 2 Jul 2024, 6:30 p.m.

    We are going to get done for these happening post 30 June aren't we?

  • Squad
    2 Jul 2024, 6:37 p.m.

    No, written deals ‘in principle’ are OK if they conclude after deadline.

  • 2 Jul 2024, 6:52 p.m.

    They can still put their negative spin on anything, as he has done in the past.

  • 2 Jul 2024, 8:37 p.m.

    Links with Jake O’Brien from Lyon. Everton and West Ham also interested. £17m, defender.

  • 3 Jul 2024, 2:01 p.m.

    Murillo now apparently saying we are a stepping stone (which is true) sounds like he wants to go this year - hopefully we can get close to £70million soon so we can start getting the squad together.

  • 3 Jul 2024, 2:06 p.m.

    Agreed. If his trajectory continues to move upwards this coming season (presumably he starts it with us), then he will outgrow the club very quickly. Then it's just about making sure the numbers are maximised by Forest.

    His potential is immense and, like others, I'm not convinced that long-term he's best utilised as a centre back. Whatever, he feels like he might be one of those rare players we look back on in five years and wonder how on earth he once wore a Forest shirt.

  • 3 Jul 2024, 2:41 p.m.

    He did an interview in Brazilian a couple of weeks ago (possibly just before his wedding) and talked about interest from Italy, Spain and possibly Germany, as well as England, and said it was with his agent, but basically if God willed him to stay at Forest, so be it.

  • 3 Jul 2024, 2:52 p.m.

    I don't think he's quite got the skill-set for a CM role personally. He might play LB I guess, if the trend moves away from Matty Cash type players playing full-back, but my bet is on him being a long-term CB. One who steps into midfield regularly ala John Stones at City (but annoyingly not for England).

  • 3 Jul 2024, 2:59 p.m.

    Well he can fuck right off with that kind of approach

  • 3 Jul 2024, 3:13 p.m.

    Amazing how much stuff you can get away with if 'god wills it'. Just ask the Catholic Church...

  • 3 Jul 2024, 5:38 p.m.

    I could see him as a burly Pirlo.
    If he didn't have that arrogant swagger he wouldn't be the player he is. He'll be unbearable once he's been at a Big Club.

    And that's kind of my concern about swap deals. I'm not convinced Chalobah, for example, sees us as part of his career trajectory, and that's not good for Forest at all.

  • 3 Jul 2024, 5:41 p.m.

    I'm sure Chalobah would see it as a step back to prove himself at the level and get back to a big 6 club as a regular. But I expect CHO and Elanga think the same.

  • 3 Jul 2024, 5:56 p.m.

    Not sure why people think that might be a bad thing?

    There are fractions of difference in ability, fitness, and attitude, between good players, and the best. There are loads of brilliant players who have hit a high level, then through a combination of a rough patch or falling out of favour, have had to drop down. Outstanding players who settle for that drop, are comfortable taking a step down, ultimately become solid pros, journeymen. They populate the lower leagues. Really good players, playing in their comfort zone.

    I'll take over that a player who thinks "fuck that shit, I'm better than this", and sets out every day to prove it. No contest.

  • 3 Jul 2024, 6:17 p.m.

    I think Murillo is happy at Forest as Danilo is his best mate and that he was told in the off season that Forest may have to sell him due to PSR. His response was well if that is the case then I am happy to go to a bigger club. Don't think there is any controversy at all. He also knows he has to improve and I think you are going to see it in this second season if he has someone with him who can head the ball.

    I suspect that this is his last season here with Real Madrid, Barcelona, Juventus and Arsenal circling... Annoyingly if Citeh don't get relegated for being massive cheating cnuts he will probably end up there.

    Either way, I hope we really improve this season and push on. I think it's very possible.

    CHO who came from Chelsea who could have gone elsewhere apparently says he is very very happy at Forest as it allowed him to be himself again and really enjoy his football. He also indicated that Forest will kick on and he is happy to be part of the process. Russ won't be happy but he doesn't want to leave right now. This indicates that the atmosphere at our home club is positive and that there are a good bunch of lads there who aren't Harry Arter.

    If only we could learn to defend set pieces. Two big fuckers incoming I reckon.

    Chicago: Very positive.

  • 3 Jul 2024, 6:24 p.m.

    It's quite plausible that Murillo will still turn out to be shit (injuries, not ironing out errors, getting too much into birds / maccie ds) not because he is that type just because thats what humans do sometimes, so if someone wants to pay us 70m - sold.