Excellent advice for windows computers.
Then burn them, because they are witches.
Excellent advice for windows computers.
Then burn them, because they are witches.
Indeed, a botched Crowdstrike update on a Microsoft server it would seem.
Who would have thought a global monopoly on Operating Systems could be vulnerable to a global system outage?
It seems to affect primarily systems running Windows 10, and an update was pushed out by MS overnight which is causing and endless BSoD (Blue Screen of Death) loop. So, credit to Microsoft for its insistence on forcing updates on users whether they want them or not and even if they may not be relevant, and kudos to corporate/public agencies still stuck on the earlier edition of Windows. Although, it would cost enormous amounts to continuously update MS OSs so who can really blame them?
In theory, those running Windows 11 should be unaffected. In theory.
My mac is fine.
So which former Tory MP started work at Microsoft this morning?
Let's not blame Microsoft. They only produced a crap operating system made of spaghetti, designed to allow their and third party exploitation of computer users. Nothing to see here, move on and keep doing what you are told to.
I suspect there may be a few breach of contract payments exiting Microsoft bank accounts over the next year or so. The legal fees alone will have the lawyers looking at Carribbean Islands for sale.
Further to that, the legal wranglings around blame between Microsoft and Crowdstrike will add a few more noughts to the overall cost. Crowdstrike blames an update to a Windows host, but Microsoft have deeper pockets and, presumably, more expensive lawyers, so they will no doubt claim that Crowdstrike didn't test the update properly.
Does this instantly kill CrowdStrike as a viable company? Feels like it. How would that work / what will happen?
Doubtful, as I'm sure they'll have liability insurance. But think of the impacts on everyday life! This from a twatter user posted in the Guardian:
"Just back from Waitrose where card machines have gone down. It's absolute chaos. By the time I got home my edamame beans were nearly defrosted. Stay safe out there".
Stay safe indeed. Thoughts and prayers to everyone hoping to arrive home safely with their edamame beans still frozen.
Ed Davey gets lucky again. The day after he claims he can't remember replying to letters from Alan Bates about the Horizon scandal, the news focus is firmly elsewhere. It pays to be a lucky leader. The Lib Dems are calling for a Cobra meeting to discuss the issue. Exactly what is the government supposed to do about a major systems crash that originated in the US?
Seems unlikely they'll have the level of cover required for this? Plus who's going to do business with them going forward??
I'm just enjoying the thought of someone like Theresa May standing in the Microsoft foyer, looking longingly at a giant button marked 'do not press' in the same way as Father Dougal in the Father Ted aeroplane episode.
Got to do something whilst the cricketers are having lunch (I've had mine - don't need 40 minutes for it).
Probably not going to cover their market valuation either. I read a suggestion that around 19 billion had been wiped off their share price overnight.
Liz Truss is out of work, she likes fucking stuff up proper.
I did have a mildly amusing thought that perhaps some people are unable to get on the internet to inform us that they have been affected by problem 1 (windows is shit).
Hopefully they will be able to mark themselves as safe when their IT department have made a house visit.
I've clearly never worked for the right employer - I had no idea that so many were working on Skynet-issued computers.