• trickylens
    a year ago

    .....of running and jumping and throwing, but not ping pong, or synchronised swimming.

    My favourite athletics, are the multi-event disciplines. If it was down to me there would be only one event designed to find the best athlete...not all of this WBO, WBC, IBF nonsense of running, running a bit more, and running a bit more than that, all getting medals.

    Anyway...the very likeable KJT, who has had some very difficult up and down times, partly as is typical for the sort of event that fucks you up in so many different ways, is heavyweight champion of the world. Women's category.

    I really pleased for her...she has shown tremendous character and courage to not just go quietly into the night, before now.

  • trickylens
    a year ago

    This annoyed me.

    It's a cup game. You can't just toss off the penalty shoot out because you've had enough. Elite sport is about winning.

    "This years F.A. Cup has been cancelled, as Borehamwood Celtic, and Harvey Hadden Athletic, played a really hard fought game, and both sides agreed that they were really proud of each other, and didn't want to see a loser. Nobody progresses from that fixture, and thus the whole draw is now void. See you next year!"


    Nobody won, so nobody gets gold.

    Give both the losers a silver.

  • JellyHeadpanorama_fish_eye
    a year ago

    There was a marathon in one of the major athletics competitions once where the lead runners held hands and crossed the line. They used the photo finish to decide the winner. So yes, two silvers for me or disqualified for not competing.

  • trickylens
    a year ago

    Let me be absolutely clear. I want to see them out there, day after day, dawn to dusk, until one completes a jump the other doesn't...or one dies of exhaustion and defaults.

    I think of the story that created the marathon. That's elite sporting competition. Against nobody. To the death.

  • Russpanorama_fish_eye
    a year ago

    Katie Nageotte:

  • Jim7panorama_fish_eye
    a year ago

    Seems like a reasonable argument.

    I wonder if they’d have come to the same conclusion if they’d been told that, since there was no outright winner there could be no gold awarded, but they could both have a silver??

  • Resident_Alienpanorama_fish_eye
    a year ago

    Some people here would make terrible screenwriters.

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