• Russpanorama_fish_eye
    16 days ago

    Mmm. My general fitness is very good, but lifting a lot and occasionally running are not conducive at all to mobility. I should probably introduce some proper stretching to my routine, perhaps I'll look for a regular yoga class.

  • Resident_Alienpanorama_fish_eye
    16 days ago

    I recommend it. About two years ago, I had crippling pain in my arms and intermittent cramp in my hand (especially the right*). It was diagnosed as degeneration of the vertebra and stenosis (mostly because of adolescent foolishness) and was put on a nerve medication - Gabapentin. Hated it, put on weight, didn’t stop the pain enough, etc. Even had a epidural and it didn’t touch it. I think the amount of pain meds I’ve been on over the years from my back might have had something to do with it.
    Started doing yoga and rowing routinely on Fitness+ and it’s helped immensely. Love to be able to work out at home, so it’s win-win. Haven’t taken a Gabapentin in nearly a year.

    *left-handed though, so settle down.

  • Seanpanorama_fish_eye
    16 days ago

    This could be a great episode. Shady's gonna be all over it.

  • 5 days ago

    Saw my Doctor last week for the ultrasound result. There's no tear in the shoulder, but some inflammation. I've been forwarded on to the hospital. Probably looking at steroid injections. Whilst there I asked about prostate stuff what with the whole Chris Hoy story in the news and never having had any sort of exam and being 54 next May. Ended up back there today for the finger up the you know where. So far, so good. Have to wait 4 weeks for the follow up blood test.
    Get checked, Gents.

  • BrettWilliamspanorama_fish_eye
    5 days ago

    CT scan of my head and ear came back clear of anything sinister, which was good news. Doc says the pulsatile tinnitus is obviously lifelong and without cure, so I need to get used to the 'new me'.

    If it's gets worse (which I'm presuming it surely will at some point), I'm to get a referral back to the consultant. Bit shit, I guess, but as lifelong conditions go, it's clearly one of the less shit ones.

  • Resident_Alienpanorama_fish_eye
    5 days ago

    Similar boat to me. ENT is suggesting an earpiece that matches the pitch of the tinnitus may be my best bet.

  • 4 days ago

    Had a painful shoulder for about nine months now. Rotator cuff injury, apparently. Steroid injection was useless but it appears to be getting better on its own now.

  • Loaferpanorama_fish_eye
    4 days ago

    I'm in the tinnitus club too. Gets loud as soon as I get tired.

  • Lessredpanorama_fish_eye
    4 days ago

    Me too. Sometimes when they do an explosion on TV and show the ringing noise everyone experiences I'm not sure if it's on the TV or me.

  • Jim7panorama_fish_eye
    4 days ago

    Ditto. Can’t be in a room with people talking and music playing as can’t separate the sounds.
    See also; being in the same room as tricky talking (shouting).
    Shall we change the forum name to TalkTinnitus?

  • trickylens
    4 days ago


  • chicagopanorama_fish_eye
    4 days ago

    Talk Tinny Nuts...

    Chicago: Clear eared.

  • chicagopanorama_fish_eye
    2 days ago

    Had a full body scan. First the good news: All organs are in top shape. The bad news, The spine and knees are pretty buggered. Being a breach baby I was born with a very curved spine. My brother and dad are much taller. So I have a compressed spinal canal too. The weights have helped a lot but they have their limits. I currently have fluid in my spinal canal and that is compressing the nerves further. Also Bertolotti syndrome which is a congenital disorder leading to back pain associated due to a lumbosacral transitional vertebra (LSTV). It most frequently occurs via an articulation of the L5 vertebra transverse process(es) with the sacrum, leading to irregular spinal mobility and pain.

    And shocker my knees are very arthritic due to four knee surgeries. Oh yeah and I don't like to brag but my prostate is slightly enlarged. Although that is not causing any sleep problems.

    So basically pain management after a dedicated MRI on my right knee to see what is causing what. Sleep is still but a dream...

    Getting old is not for the faint of heart. In my spider brain I still think I can get back to playing football.

    Chicago: Soldiering on.

  • KarlMarkpanorama_fish_eye
    2 days ago

    I have a bout of Man Flu. I shall soldier on in a suitably male fashion and complain about it, sniffing loudly and blowing my noise in a raucous manner.

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