• 23 Sep 2024, 4:57 p.m.

    Not sure if it’s appropriate as you don’t mention the age group but may be worth checking the adhd-360.com website. They currently have a three to four month wait period and can be accessed through the Right to Choose program.

    I volunteer with a young people’s charity and have seen them recommended here so service should be of good quality.

  • Squad
    23 Sep 2024, 5:26 p.m.

    Did you have to empty them a lot to reduce the swelling, or the opposite?

  • 23 Sep 2024, 7:21 p.m.

    I am sure Liam Gallagher helped him in the toilet…

    Chicago: Pipe Cleaner.

  • 23 Sep 2024, 8:11 p.m.

    Little Miss BW came home from school looking like death warmed up on Friday, and has spent the past three days on the sofa under a blanket.

    Today, I feel like death warmed up.

  • 23 Sep 2024, 9:35 p.m.

    Hope you all feel better soon. Thanks for the song stuck in my head now.

  • 30 Sep 2024, 1:43 a.m.

    Not sure where to put this really. My client who is 86 got diagnosed with Bile Duct cancer a month ago. The only symptom was tiredness. He tried fighting it with Chemo but it just made things worse and then the cancer accelerated into an infection. I. knew since the bile ducts are in the liver that is was very unlikely he was going to survive this but the speed in which it is doing so is startling. He is a friend of mine because he is the father of one of my best friends and now his sister (the daughter of hospitalised),has had a relapse of her cancer too and it has spread to her spine. It is just dreadful and I feel horrible for my friend as he is having to deal with this. I wanted to pay my respects and went to the hospital as he was admitted on Friday and having communicated with the son I was going to meet him there. His father's girlfriend blocked me from going into the room saying, "family only", after I had texted her (being warned that she was being difficult), to ask if it was okay. This was an hour and a half after we had arrived at the hospital and she hadn't looked at her phone, saw us in the room and told us to get out. My friend knows the relationship I have with the family (as does the girlfriend) but it just got very awkward and we left not wanting to cause a fuss. My friend was livid as he was due to turn up in an hour but was stuck with another problem and would be later than expected. We made our apologies as we didn't want to cause anymore undue stress. The son (my friend) told me that he was very sorry that we couldn't pay our respects because we both knew chances were that I wouldn't be seeing his father again. The 30 minute drive home was pretty somber.

    The whole thing is very sad and I feel bad that I couldn't at least get to pay my respects. Cancer is the worst and it is the one things that scares me the most. I hope when my time comes it is not that and it's quick. Fuck cancer. You cunt.

    Chicago: Reflective.

  • 7 Oct 2024, 8:54 p.m.

    The NHS is a pretty incredible thing. Mrs BW has been struggling with a worsening cough for a couple of weeks since Little Miss BW helpfully came home from school with a nasty bug.

    Having been trying for a GP appointment most of last week, she had a call from the doctor's just before midday today to say that there had been a cancellation and could she make an appointment at 12.30pm. Mrs BW got there and the GP did her obs, listened to her chest and asked her some questions, then started tapping on his keyboard. Next he asked her if she had transportation outside and when she said she did, he said I'd like you to go straight to the hospital as I'm concerned you may have an embolism.

    She got there and they put her on an emergency ward, then did bloods, an ECG and a chest X-ray. She had to wait for the results which thankfully came back clear, except the X-ray which revealed a nasty chest infection. She got home about 6pm-ish with a course of antibiotics and an inhaler. All that in six hours - the NHS is pretty special.

  • 7 Oct 2024, 9:01 p.m.

    They were pretty good with one of my twins last week when she had to be taken to the LRI in the middle of the night when she took a bad turn with high heart rate, temp etc. The place was overwhelmed but the staff were very good in getting her sorted and home.

  • 8 Oct 2024, 11:56 a.m.

    Nottingham TGIs - rescued
    Leicester and Derby TGIs - closing today, forever.

    Conclusion: Nottingham is magic, the rest of the East Midlands is tinpot.

  • 8 Oct 2024, 12:37 p.m.

    Except for where the story starts with ‘having been trying for a GP appointment most of last week’ and she basically got lucky that there was a cancellation that she was able to take up at short notice. I can see a GP tomorrow and apart from the fact that I’ll have to contribute about fifty bucks to the cost of that, everything else would probably pan out exactly the same.

    The NHS is only special when your comparisons are The USA, South Sudan, and life pre-WW2.

    Glad the Mrs is mainly ok though, obviously.

  • 8 Oct 2024, 1:16 p.m.

    Wrong thread

  • 8 Oct 2024, 1:23 p.m.

    So every Thursday when I've been out clapping, it's been a waste of time?

  • 8 Oct 2024, 1:38 p.m.

    It’s probably been enough to prevent the local militant wing of mumsnet bombing your house because of your lack of respect and community spirit. So there’s that.

  • 8 Oct 2024, 2:04 p.m.

    Highlight of my old mum's week that was.

    The whole street, who incidentally never really spoke directly to one another all that much at all either before, during or after Covid, all stood out on the front porch, banging a saucepan in unison like some sort of synchronised demented chimp parade.

    It was quite a thing to behold.

  • 8 Oct 2024, 2:21 p.m.

    Think I was the only person round here who didn't. No subsequent bombing by mumsnet. No noticeable deterioration in relations with neighbours. Often share a conversation with the NHS worker who lives opposite with no obvious emnity. Just that empty feeling inside where I missed my opportunity to be one of the gang*.

    * Brainwashed fools.