• 12 Jun 2023, 3:20 p.m.

    Magnesium contains zinc? If you are correct about that, there's probably a nobel prize in it for you.

  • 16 Jun 2023, 12:08 a.m.

    I found out today (Thursday) that a close football friends disabled daughter has had treatment withdrawn, and been put on end of life care. She is fifteen today (Friday, the clock has just ticked around). It's a person that I genuinely like and respect. I completely lack the emotional currency to deal with that in any reasonable way. Now I need to start to think how the fuck I can tell him that I know, and try not to make it worse.

    There is not a good and benevolent God people. Things will not be okay, unless you are extremely lucky, or fight for them with every fibre of your being. And help each other.

  • 16 Jun 2023, 12:33 a.m.

    Unfortunately all you can do is offer support and say you are there for them if they need you. They will appreciate it if nothing else.

    Life is a cnut and with continue to fuck you until you die. Nature is not our friend.

    Live as well as you can and for as long as you can. It's all you can do.

    Chicago: Hoping to follow the same advice.

  • 16 Jun 2023, 6:52 a.m.

    That is really terrible, a level of heartbreak most of us can not begin to understand. There is no God, and there are no words. When I am working with people who have lost a baby you quickly find there is no 'one size fits all' comment, what comforts some, triggers others.
    As Chicago said all you can do is offer your support, tell them you are there if they need you etc. Try not to be too 'you' (this is not the time for dry, sarcastic comments) Just be honest, say it's sh*t, and offer them time out with a pint if it helps or something.

  • 27 Jun 2023, 5:35 p.m.

    Me and Junior had an accident on a water slide. He cut his foot, I have a burnt shoulder. We are soldiering on

  • 20 Jul 2023, 10:48 a.m.

    Slept oddly last night and as a result the muscle around my left shoulder balde is painful when I make certain movements. Experience tells me it'll slowly improve as the day progresses; it's already a bit better than it was when I woke up.

  • 21 Jul 2023, 4:40 p.m.

    Hi just to update, after 5 months four biopsies and MRI, along with three different CT scans we still dont have a proper prognosis. All we have been told is malignant Lymph nodes are being spread from somewhere. Possibly the pelvis, Cervix area. We go Tuesday for yet another meeting with the Gynaecologist, My Wife has been transferred to Sheffield from Doncaster for consultation. Its like the Sword of Damocles hanging over us. I fear the worse and while I haven't shared this with my Wife she does as well. I am now off long term sick as I am not sleeping and my mind is a shed.

  • 21 Jul 2023, 5:58 p.m.

    Donny good to see you back. Sorry to hear this news and that things are still not going well for you. Stick around and maybe the crazy nonsense on this place can distract you a bit. Sometimes a bit of distraction can be what you need.

  • 7 Aug 2023, 5:36 p.m.

    Not really mundane but one of the guys I went to the Old Trafford Test with died last week. Now, he'd had blood cancer for a few years, so dying of pneumonia isn't exactly unexpected but I do wonder whether spending the day in that size of crowd was the wisest. But got to live your life, I guess.

  • 7 Aug 2023, 10:31 p.m.

    Technical Father in law died today suddenly. It's my wife's sister's father, (not hers) and I was asked what to do. I don't know the bloke and the sister in Law was staying with him in Buffalo (to get away from her Husband in France). I didn't want to say anything about a will (figured it was an insensitive subject considering the immediacy of the death), but that was all I had, so I said I didn't know.

    She (the sister in law) and son were due to visit this week. Pretty sure that is scuppered.

    Chicago: Lost for words.

  • 7 Aug 2023, 11:24 p.m.

    Lake Erie Viking style.

  • 7 Aug 2023, 11:56 p.m.

    i wouldn't do it personally. That is not my decision. Although I guess he was an ex-professional race driver so I think Mangeout (I see he has added a T), might be onto something.

    I will make the suggestion (at least in my head) but think offering support is probably all I can do.

    Chicago: Scraping up a bonfire.

  • 7 Aug 2023, 11:58 p.m.

    It's been mangetout with a "T" since the mid-90s?

  • 8 Aug 2023, 12:13 a.m.

    You may have observed from his scouting reports, that it takes him some time after the rest of the world knows something, to notice it?