Having to start taking blood pressure tablets
Having to start taking blood pressure tablets
I haven't taken an actual sick day in a long time, but my hangover is so bad today I'm seriously considering it.
Sciatica. All night. Not great for sleep. Not booze related. Bit of a bugger this aging thing.
Chicago: Creaking.
Been struggling for months with what I initially thought was a groin issue.
After x-rays and MRI was diagnosed with a hip problem (bilateral labral tears) and referred to a specialist for review of suitability for key hole surgery.
Have now been told that I have arthritis in my hips and it has already progressed to the point where the surgery is not recommended. Although it has thankfully not progressed far enough to require hip replacement, holding position between the two surgeries is what he described as a squirt of WD40 into the joints which has a 70% chance of keeping me going for another year or so.
When I asked if I could go back to “running” he just said do what you want they are deteriorating anyway.
Joining the knackered club.
Have a football friend who has been on this development curve. Couple of years of deterioration while he still did stuff, a period of debilitation and pain, recent 'resurfacing' operation. Scheduled for full hip replacement in about a year.
Technically no longer a football friend. He will never play again.
Had a health check, including recital exam, from the excellent Dr. Ravi. Not that one. Attending a work appointment, then off for an emergency dental. For my teeth that keep falling out.
what did you sing?
🎶Moon River
Head like a hole
Had an ultrasound on my right shoulder on Friday (it was the other one that played up 2 years ago but is now fine). Waiting to hear back.
Today I've woken up with Measles.
You got Measles from an Ultrasound? That is impressive!
The back and legs have been really bad for weeks now. The sciatica is impeding my ability to sleep and it is making everything more inflamed. I have to be up before 5am everyday and I don’t get home from work until about 8, 830 every night. This is not optimal. The health care system here is so shit and expensive it costs a fortune to even see a doctor let alone get scans. I have always had a bad back and the weights have helped an awful lot. I suspect because I probably need a new knee from 45 years+ of football abuse that is impacting the way I walk. The sciatica in bed is new though and I am really really not liking it. Looks like a fast track to physical decline because of this, yet I work 15 hours a day to pay for everything. Living in a capitalist country is great let me tel you.
Think I am buggered.
Chicago: On a fast track to buggered town.
Had a call from a lady at the Public Health Authority the other day. They've sent me a swab kit so they can definitely tell if it is measles (I've got no other symptoms other than an all over rash) (not the face). If it isn't then it looks like I've had a huge allergic reaction, with the likliest culprit being the ultrasound gel.
You've not had any sexual relations with a goat recently, have you?
I think Dave should go back to work, ever since he retired he's been a never ending stream of bizarre medical conditions. Retirement isn't working for him.
It really isn't is it?
And in reply to Jake - no. I'm in Derbyshire - it's all sheep round here. How do you test for Scrapie?
Goats are just posh sheep. Don't scrap the barrel if you are going to catch a disease with some animal fun do it right. Jesus..
The sciatica it seems to have been caused by a combination of being assaulted by ice and a divvy electric scooter and the wife's new mega expensive mattress. (As in I paid for the fucker...). It was incredibly icy a few weeks ago and having a manual gearbox allows you to drive much more easiliy than most of the areas drivers. So having navigated black ice first thing in the morning from the night's ice storm I go to park near my work. Someone in a pique of mardyiness abandoned their electric scooter in the street where I wanted to park. I got out of the car and went to pick it up and move it not realising that they are actually way heavier than they look and slipped backwards on the ice at the same time. Falling I threw the scooter as far as could and it went all of 6 inches and landed on my arm and I crashed awkwardedly on the road. I think the neighbourhood thought there was a coyote loose (and yes there are wild ones in Chicago) as I howled in pain and turned into Quasimodo. As in I couldn't use my right arm all day because it was bruised as fuck. "The Bells!!!!".
Anyway, i made it through the work day with a gammy arm and a sore back and went home late at night. Wifey made me buy this new mattress for the house (I was perfectly happy with the one we had) for an insane amount of money. I cannot remember if it was $3500 or $5000. It's soft. With a slightly twisted pelvis, sleeping on that thing is a very bad idea. Since then I have been waking up in pain shooting down my leg. It has been gruesome. It was so bad I was forced to try find an alternative place to sleep and found that the futon was much harder and better. I am muddling through but for the first time in 28 years of marriage we are sleeping apart under the same roof. I think this is a bad idea. I have asked to change the mattress and she is fighting me. This is not going to end well.
The chiropractor is out of the country and I my neuromuscular therapy is a drunk and hardly available. The only thing I can do is work (as walking isn't terrible), and finding a way to sleep like Bela Lagosi if I am to share a bed again..
Chicago: All twisted up.