Hope you get sorted.
Hope you get sorted.
In a potential victory for capitalism and the old boys network, a friend (originally of my brother) is an anaesthetist at the Hammersmith hospital and has spoken to a few surgeon mates who were happy to help (surgeons love to surge). But no NHS surgical bed space at Charing X or Chelsea and Westminster. But one chap is at (private) Cromwell Hospital today so will see Ed tonight via the Bupa authorisation code we have now acquired. By random chance he has a special interest in adolescent cysts.
So fingers crossed...
Great stuff. I mean not. But good.
PS: Do you now have a spare Ipswich ticket? Jokes :-p
Really good news - it's a sad state of affairs re the NHS, but we have always found Bupa to be quick to approve - glad it's all in process.
The Cromwell, where I had my ankle reconstructed, happy memories… Hope everything goes well.
Of course. The tories lined us up for a clean payment experience, rather than healthcare free at the point of delivery.
To be fair Bupa were quick to approve, but finding a healthcare professional with time to take the money was not easy.
Lol he wasn't scheduled to go as playing school rugby in the morning. Not anymore.
Mum has a cyst putting pressure on her brain, so glad your son is getting it sorted. My mum’s over to see the kids at the minute (Dad seems pretty done with ever coming over here again) and she’s cagey about it. Dad tried to say something about it while I was talking to him on Messenger but she walked in and he stopped. He’s more insistent than usual on us visiting them next summer, so I’m thinking that all is not well. Especially as mum randomly dropped a comment the other day about where to spread her ashes when she dies.
Sorry to hear that, that's not fun at all.
As they’re both just (as in months) this side of 80, I’m comforted by the thought that they’ve lived extraordinary lives, have lived much longer than most of us expected (especially my dad, who is something of a medical miracle), and certainly longer than a few off my good friends who have left far too early in the last couple of years. Sorting out their affairs is going to be decidedly interesting as they live in France, I’m here, and my brother’s in New Zealand.
Hopefully, they hang on for a bit at least so my kids can see them more.
We were very close to my great grandparents (they raised my mum as a consequence of war complications). My great grandfather was an amazing man who had lain injured in no man's land at ypress for several days expecting to die, for whom every subsequent day was lived for others. He also taught me to gamble. My great grandmother was also unbelievably wonderful. I wish that I had the emotional vocabulary at the time to express what they meant to me, and what I thought of them. Things about how they were live with me every day. Give your kids as much time with their history as you can. Knowing what you are, where you came from, and what that stands for, can really quite be something.
Unless someone like me is your grandparent.
Tantalizing thought. I never knew my Grandfathers. Both died before I was born. As a Consequence my Grandmothers were quite batshit. My mother visited over the summer and almost died, spending a week in the Hospital and it looked quite grim for the first five days but she pulled through and is now 85 years old and reasonably happy at home. She cannot travel though, so I have to see her back in England and she also never bothered with follow up Treatments as far as I know which I think is a little reckless but she was a nurse for 50 years so maybe she would rather not know.
So I think I have to make a journey early 2025 because it could be the last time. Although she might be fine now after her colon blockage and her ruptured ulcers. Either way I think it will be TT races and Tricky will have to learn to use a kettle again to put the tea on because we will be coming over.
Chicago: Feeling everyone's age.
You are welcome for tea. Although you will have you teach me how to make it, and it will be awful. Also I refuse to buy milk. Will yoghurt do?
My wife’s great grandma died last month at 104 years old. Lived independently in her Manchester flat until the weeks before her death, she didn’t even have any illness as such, just her body started to give up and once she knew she wouldn’t be going home she gave up. Quite an innings.