• 1 Jun 2024, 1:37 p.m.

    Fucksake Chicago, I'm having a few weeks off now so sort yourself out.

  • 1 Jun 2024, 2:01 p.m.

    Well that’s a relief.

    Chicago: Trying to Avoid death.

  • 1 Jun 2024, 3:38 p.m.

    I’m not constantly on the piss as I was bartending up north and the weather’s better. I do teach high school and have two little kids though, so it’s probably evens.

    Here’s hoping your bowls sort themselves out. But if you will drink Chicago water…

  • 6 Jun 2024, 11:39 p.m.

    Dear Charlie,
    thanks for not killing me but did you have to make this illness last a week?


    Yours Sincerely

    Chicago (aka Poopy pants..)

    PS. It was the immodium......

  • 9 Jun 2024, 12:53 a.m.

    I am going to stop moaning now. Glad Guru is doing well.

    You can ask him about it if he feels like it....

    Chicago: About to hit the booze.

    Edit: I had hit the booze and probably shouldn’t have posted this but he was next to Gary Parker and his white trainers so I couldn’t help it….

  • 10 Jun 2024, 12:24 p.m.

    Emergency GP appointment this morning resulted in steroids and antibiotics for a cough which is affecting my asthma.
    Emergency dental apptmt this am resulted in a small brace to keep Little Miss J III's teeth in place after smashing her face on a concrete block when she fell off her scooter yesterday lunchtime.

    Mixed NHS performance.
    Called GP at 8.30am today, Finally got through after 10 minutes on hold, got an appointment with the asthma nurse at 8.50am, seen at 9am.
    Called dentist at 8,30am today. Straight through, apptmt at 11am, warned there may be a wait, seen at 11.30am.

    Yesterday - called 111 for emergency dental, got through to Yorks and Humber emergency dental service, not a single emergency appointment - told to go to A&E and see your dentist tomorrow. A&E, triaged within 10 minutes, straight to the top of the queue due to blood gushing from mouth, and saw a doctor almost straightaway. Sent back to wait for on-call maxillofacial consultant to come (covering two hospitals) to check. Half an hour later, get another call to come and see senior paediatrician, as consultant wasn't coming for just wobbly teeth. Seen, told to see your dentist the next day. All in all, in and out of A&E inside 90 minutes, which must be a record.

    (We got very lucky with our dentist. Our previous practice wrote to us a couple of months ago and just said we're not taking NHS patients anymore, please sign up to our private practice.
    Popped into my nearest NHS practice, told it was a five-year wait for NHS patients to join their register.
    Rang the next nearest - they'd had a cancellation and if we came in for those appointments, we could join them. Even while I was filling forms in, they were turning people away calling on the phone for NHS places (presumably all from my previous dentist).

    When it works, the NHS is fabulous.

  • 10 Jun 2024, 12:55 p.m.

    I once got stuck in a loop with my GP practice and 111 as 111 was telling me to too see GP and GP to speak with 111. It got a bit silly but eventually they got past what the computer was telling them and I saw a nurse. (All I needed was spray for an ear infection).

  • 10 Jun 2024, 3:53 p.m.

    Mother reached a dead end with the doctor because the medical records from the States hadn’t arrived so therefore they were not inclined to give her the tests she required due to no information. I am pretty sure an old lady wouldn’t make up that she had a full small colon blockage for a colonoscopy which wouldn’t be pretty.

    Anyway, I asked the hospital to send the details to my mum’s family surgery and declined my request due to HIPA privacy rules. They also asked me if I had power of attorney. I said, “no you fuck nuts, I do know how this works. I don’t want the records. I just want you to send them to the appropriate people which you should have done”, my lawyer agrees. The hospital said, “errr liability”. My response, “you are all stupid cunts!”…

    The saga continues..

    Chicago: Frustated.

  • 10 Jun 2024, 6:22 p.m.

    My dad 'died' on the table last August when the anaesthetic on a routine knee replacement went wrong and stopped his heart - spent his 75th birthday in a coma in ICU. Spent about four weeks in a coma all-told and didn't get out of ICU until late October.
    On his return home, had to get his medical records for the GP, to write to the DVLA, for a green light to keep driving after the cardiac episode.
    Went to hospital in person, but turned away and had to fill in an online form, which would take four-six weeks to respond. Eventually GP got fed up with waiting and got in touch (why couldn't he have done this straight away, instead of getting us to do it?) and we got the records within two days of that (after a three week wait).

    Dad has now got the knee op rescheduled for the end of July, but, at his pre-op check last week, was told there is no record of the cardiac event in his file!

  • 10 Jun 2024, 7:05 p.m.

    Oh no! Another mistake! No record/evidence.

  • 11 Jun 2024, 8:09 a.m.

    My dad is waiting to get his knee replaced, this is more the part that scares me than anything else, fuck ups like this happening

  • 12 Jun 2024, 11:55 a.m.

    For weeks I have been non specifically ill. Moments of utter exhaustion but never feeling "proper" ill other than that. Thought I'd thrown it last week. Hit again yesterday. Did a run on Monday which was fine. My usual slow ramble but decent distance for where I am. Tuesday, doing some stretching and body weight stuff, big crash. It's like the tank is suddenly empty. Off for a full range of bloods tomorrow while feeling a bit of a faker.

  • 12 Jun 2024, 12:55 p.m.

    Long Covid?

    Hopefully just goat aids..

    Chicago: Always knackered.

  • 12 Jun 2024, 9:34 p.m.

    Leprosy can cause fatigue, could be that. Are any of your fingers loose?

  • 13 Jun 2024, 5:45 p.m.

    That sounds like me most of the time, especially the exercise crash, sometimes takes 24 hours to stop feeling tired after a workout. Just assumed it was turning 50...

  • 13 Jun 2024, 6:01 p.m.

    A year ago I would have said the same. I do think that it was possible that I was suffering from a post-viral fatigue. Having got in better shape, and done a bit more fitness work - and crucially being illness free for a bit, I would say that I'm much improved.

    I'm fifty eight shortly. I wouldn't say that being over fifty, as of itself, is reason to be unable to manage ongoing physical exercise, and have periods of relative incapacity. Diet, sleep, and regular exercise should be relatively thought out.... but for me if you are doing that, but can't, there's a possible sub-optimal health issue.