• 20 May 2024, 11:04 a.m.

    Quite - our aggregated PSxG was 47.2, compared to the 67 we actually conceded. That's the 4th best in the division.

  • 20 May 2024, 11:09 a.m.

    I think that's the stat my son has quoted to me.

    XG doesn't include corners or set prices (or at least not much), so if you take them out our goals conceded is very similar to that xG number and 4th best.

  • 20 May 2024, 11:12 a.m.

    That's not true - PSxG is just totting up the difficulty of every shot on target (including headers) however they came about.

  • 20 May 2024, 11:14 a.m.

    There seems to be some appetite for stories of the day. I don't have any prime anecdotes really. But here's my take:

    • Little Miss Shady and Mrs Shady went of to Little Miss Shady's dance class about 9:30am, and I jumped on my bike to cycle to the other side of Sheffield to Meadowhall - as that was convenient for the lift I was getting to pick me up close to the motorway. Lovely cycle in glorious sunshine listening to Forest Focus. Got a bit sweaty as I was running late. Locked my bike outside in the Meadowhall 'Cycle Hub' proudly advertised on their website which I'd checked in advance. It was a few bits of metal near the doors.

    • Realised at this point I had got my times confused and was an hour early for my lift. Meet was 11:30 not 10:30. Wandered aimlessly around a closed Meadowhall for 30 minutes then decided to buy a croissant and coffee. Was just about to do that in Pret when I realised I could save £1 by getting the croissant from the M&S Foodhall instead. Winner. Spent the extra money (plus some) on a few beers from M&S for the car.

    • Went to check out Meadowhall train station area. No intention of getting the train but thought I'd see what the set-up was like. Decent.

    • Noted there was a Harvester in Meadowhall. Wondered if that is where Jack Robinson signed for Sheff United.

    • Waited at a petrol station just off the motorway for 30 minutes until the car turned up. A Tesla. Mixed emotions. Elon is a prat but the cars are quite nice. It was electric. Said hello to the driver and guy in the passenger seat who I hadn't met before, and hello to Matt in the backseat who I've known for years. There was a cool bag with 20+ cans in the back so got stuck in. Camden Pale Ale. Hells Lager. M&S Lager. Leffe. The choices!

    • We drove towards Burnley ... was shortly then informed we had to go via Leeds to collect someone else. Slightly miffed. It's quite a detour. We went right to the guys house in Headingly too. I refrained from pointing out that I had at least travelled to make the pick-up convenient and only a 2-3 minute detour rather than this 30 minute one. Oh well. They were nice guys and the train was going to be a nightmare if I'd taken that option. Saw Elland Road. Boo'd it.

    • About an hour from Burnley they car took a vote and we decided to go the scenic route rather than the most direct. I was not a fan. Added 10-15 minutes to the journey just to take in some hills. A schism appeared in the car. Every nice tree or bit of grass we saw was commented on by 3/5 with "Don't see that from the A66!" . Myself and the other dissenter drank our beers and sulkily looked out the window.

    • Parked near the ground. Put the rest of our referee outfits on. Walked to the Cricket Club next to the ground where away fans drink. Many fans chanted 'the referees are wankers!' at us as we walked.

    • Hour or so drinking at the cricket club. Glorious set-up. Everyone dancing/chatting/chanting on the outfield. Great atmosphere.

    • Into the ground. Stewards were thoroughly searching everyone and warning that any 'refs' with whistles would be ejected. Very small and narrow concourse. The sort of place you wouldn't want to be during a fire. Lots of Murillo chants. Lots of Hawaiian shirts, referees, fancy dress and drunk men.

    • You saw the game. It was good. But people didn't care that much. I was surprised to see so many Burnley fans. Looked a sell-out. The United game last week had tons of empty seats and I expected the same. The appreciation of Burnley ended there though, they literally did zero chants all game. Silent. I guess an early goal and being relegated does that to you.

    • Enjoyed the post-match jubilations with the players and staff coming over. Think it's the first time I've seen Nuno smile! Wasn't quite sure what Burnley were going to do, as a lap of honour on the last game is normal, but 70% of their fans had left, leaving maybe a few thousand spotted around the ground? Compared to the 3,000 Forest fans who were in great voice and loving it. The Burnley players ended up gathering in the centre-circle for about 10 minutes while we celebrated, then they did eventually do a lap of honour (!) to an almost empty ground. Was all a bit strange.

    • Walked back to the car. Drove back the scenic route again. Dropped the guy off in Leeds. Dropped me back at Meadowhall about 8:45pm. Had to walk through a closed Meadowhall. Was like a Zombie movie. Hungry. Contemplated stealing a muffin from the Starbucks kiosk as all the stuff was still 'out' but there was nobody to be seen. Didn't. Found the bike hub. Cycled home. Got a kebab. Watched Doctor Who on the sofa.

    The end.

  • 20 May 2024, 11:26 a.m.

    This is the stuff that we need post match, excellent work!

  • 20 May 2024, 11:36 a.m.

    That away end holds 2,100.

  • 20 May 2024, 11:57 a.m.

    The best episode of the new Dr so far (but still couldn't say it was exactly a classic, just a passable episode).

  • 20 May 2024, 3:57 p.m.

    I had hope with the man who made it great again returning. My hope has been crushed. Sci fi is a great vehicle for creating change, for floating new ideas. But when the change is the story, I'm out.

  • 20 May 2024, 4:31 p.m.

    Space Babies was totally shit

  • 20 May 2024, 4:35 p.m.

    They re-animated Jon Pertwee?

  • 20 May 2024, 7:29 p.m.

    I think it's quite telling the first 3 (inc. Christmas episode) penned by Davies were utter hogwash whereas the half decent episode was written Steven Moffat and was a bit of Greatest Hits compilation of his previous ideas themes and tropes.