Could get a second crowd in, sell the tickets twice.
Could get a second crowd in, sell the tickets twice.
Did anyone merch it?
I presume all the people who ‘oppose discrimination’ but bang on about keeping trans women out of sport on integrity grounds will be lining up to point out that this is obviously bollocks.
If men don't have an advantage over women in darts (can't be due to alcohol tolerance any more), why is there a women's event in the first place?
This is definitely bollocks:
It's not Trans people being excluded from sport. It's, I imagine, part of the incredibly difficult problem of defining sport classification to protect the integrity of the sport for the section of society that the intended classification exists.
I don't doubt that this is subject to social/cultural/political processes, and is sometimes bent and unfair. Like everything else. But it doesn't alter the fact that women's and girls sport serves an important role in society, and should be protected and fair for them to participate in. Without elite sport for women, and only competition to all participants, women's elite sport dies, there are no role models for women and girls, and we all end up worse off.
Wherever you make a classification there are winners and losers around the margins. That's the nature of categorisation sports. Only sports that don't require classification would make society poorer. Only open competition would make society poorer. There will always be rules and decisions that those on the wrong side of don't like. Whether that be allowable drug use, number of functioning limbs, or testosterone levels at puberty.
Hockey starts 5 weeks tomorrowin a few days. Sort of.
The important games start the day after next week.
Yer welcome.