• Resident_Alienpanorama_fish_eye
    a year ago

    An upscale flip flop

  • Mangetoutpanorama_fish_eye
    a year ago

    You can't handle the jandal.

  • Russpanorama_fish_eye
    a year ago


  • trickypanorama_fish_eye
    a year ago

    Right. So this is basically the exact same thing as we've heard before?

    Russ is against convenient footwear, and people exercising freedom of clothing choice with them.

    It's handy to have things, that don't need any real thought, to occupy your mind.

  • noodlehelp_outline
    a year ago

    Does he have a problem with people exercising their freedom? Or does he just think that their doing so is a warning sign to the rest of us?

    I support the right of people to wear whatever footwear they like.. but usually, when I notice someone’s shoes, it’s in a ‘you and I probably wouldn’t get along’ kinda way.

  • Jakepanorama_fish_eye
    a year ago

    Perhaps the person wearing the "sliders" has decided society shouldn't judge others on choice of footwear and you are being judgemental?

    You're right, you probably wouldn't get on.

  • Gurupanorama_fish_eye
    a year ago

    I’ve realised that the sort of people who make snap judgements on others solely based on footwear are probably the real wrong’uns. And that, worryingly, I’ve been hanging around online and in-person with them for over 25 years….what does that make me???

  • trickypanorama_fish_eye
    a year ago

    Home counties middle class?

  • noodlehelp_outline
    a year ago

    Yeah, I think it was mainly a joke though. [edit: I should say ‘unserious’ as, to be a joke, it ought to be understandably funny in some way]

    Albeit anyone who denies that they make snap judgements about people based on what they are wearing is almost certainly full of shit.

    Embrace every irrational judgement you make.. worry about the ones you didn’t know you made, or didn’t know were irrational.

  • Gurupanorama_fish_eye
    a year ago

    Yes, of course. But am I wrong’un based on my association with footwear Nazis?

  • Charliepanorama_fish_eye
    a year ago

    Loic Bade

  • trickypanorama_fish_eye
    a year ago

    Do we need to decide whether people are wrong'uns or not, on the basis of arbitrary pieces of unrelated evidence? I suppose what ever polarising nonsense helps your tiny little mind grapple with the magnificence of being is okay...just try to remember that you are wrong about most stuff.

    There are some I know here, Russ for example, who I would have definite concerns about if judging by attire.

  • Jim7panorama_fish_eye
    a year ago

    All the above is correct although all bets are off when it comes to slides and socks.

  • JimShadypanorama_fish_eye
    a year ago

    I always thought it was 'sliders' and not 'slides.

  • RCpanorama_fish_eye
    a year ago

    What about Crocs ‘n socks? That’s a whole new level right there.

  • noodlehelp_outline
    a year ago

    People’s clothing choices convey information. Generally we need more evidence to establish what that information is or whether it should impact how we judge their wrong-un-ness, but it’s still information. I can’t really think of an example where footwear, on it’s own, is going to convey all that much.. though what I was clumsily getting at above is that footwear that is noticeable tells me that someone wants their footwear to be noticed, which is very much different to my own preference that nobody ever notices anything I am wearing. So it’s a point of difference between us. It’s not a determining factor though… some of my best friends are just really into shoes.

    I do know that if two people rock up to football, one is immaculately decked out in shiny designer gear, and the other is wearing a shabby green curry-stained sweatshirt and clearly cuts his hair with rusty garden shears.. only one of them is likely to be the kind of hip’n’cool dude I want to hang out with.

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