• Simonhelp_outline
    a year ago

    Breach is £16.6m. Haven't read the full judgement but I think that implies a one year overspend of about £21m over the allowed £35m.

  • Russpanorama_fish_eye
    a year ago

    Apparently it's a 5 point penalty with 2 taken off for double jeopardy and 1 taken off because the stadium costs are extenuating circumstances.

    They really are just making this up as they go along.

  • a year ago

    The double jeopardy bit seems particularly made up.

  • Ingopanorama_fish_eye
    a year ago

    I realise everyone shits the bed the moment Man City get mentioned but I'm really looking forward to theirs. Seeing as thus far it's all a bit *Maths with Sooty * they should get the little yellow fellow and Sweep along to announce and explain the punishment.

    *yes, I know, there will be no punishment.

  • stevepanorama_fish_eye
    a year ago

    And they've appealed, so we've still got 2 appeal processes to play out before it's settled.

  • trickylens
    a year ago

    It's also spectacularly misunderstanding what double jeopardy is. You murder someone, you get acquitted...double jeopardy means that you can't be tried for it again. You murder someone, get punished, serve your time, then murder someone else. Double jeopardy does not mean that you can't be tried for the new crime, even though you've already served a murdery punishment. You should stop murdering people if you don't want more punishment.

  • Ingopanorama_fish_eye
    a year ago

    Scousers gonna scouse.

  • Russpanorama_fish_eye
    a year ago

    "Everton remains committed to working collaboratively with the League on all matters relating to PSR but is extremely concerned by the inconsistency of different commissions in respect of points deductions applied. The Club and its legal representatives have begun the preparations to appeal the Commission’s decision."

    They're not wrong, although that statement does rather lend itself to a response of "you're right, here's another 6 point penalty instead".

  • a year ago

    I can only conclude that the Premier League wants rid of us.

    What a poxy pile of shit this is.

    I just want to watch the football and this just doesnt make it fun.

    Hopefully we kick the living shit out of wolves and Yatesy shows them his corset!

    Chicago: Conspiracy theorist.

  • Ingopanorama_fish_eye
    a year ago

    I think we can be pretty certain that they won't carry on with this circus next year and with Everton looking safe we could well be the one victim of PSR.

  • a year ago
  • Simonhelp_outline
    a year ago

    Everton have won one of their last 14 league games. And that was against Burnley, when they were gifted the goal by a Muric special. Two points ahead of us and Luton, they aren't out of this yet.

  • Simonhelp_outline
    a year ago

    The concluding bit of that paragraph is "Nevertheless, in fairness to the parties in these proceedings, the Commission decided that the issues which remain cannot be dealt with in accordance with the timetable set out in the Standard Directions. The Standard Directions will not, therefore, apply to the remaining issues."

    If it's outside the timetable in the Standard Directions, that means it can't be decided before next season's golden share meeting and it'll be next season, if at all.

  • Simonhelp_outline
    a year ago

    So Everton get a point given back for cooperating but they also might have misreported £6m.

    Also, I'm pretty sure that at least part of the mitigation that was accepted this time (the Ulkraine war stuff) was rejected by both of their previous hearings.

  • Jim7panorama_fish_eye
    a year ago

    This is just a fucking farce.
    Last week we were told that the precedent was now set, and any breach means a minimum of 3 points, anything else added depends on the levels over the threshold minus mitigations etc.
    So today Everton get a deduction of one point below the so-called minimum…..
    They really are just making this shit up as they go along aren’t they.

  • Simonhelp_outline
    a year ago

    I don't know who told you that but they were clearly wrong even based on our judgement. We got three for the breach, another three for it being a big breach and then two back for our cooperation/early plea. The clear implication is that if we'd co-operated and pled early on a small breach, it would have been one point.

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