Not really. Leicester are coming back, we should have gone back. Three of the members who voted for the rules are going down. They expect to come straight back, and none of the other members want to give up their place for them. They want us to know our place and get back down. It's obviously not a perfect system, because they have to lie to your face to pretend that it's a competitive pyramid and based on merit...and where oodles of cash come into the league, to the benefit of increased turnover for all, they will swallow the odd one...but they don't mean it, and they will rig the deck as much as possible to protect the status quo...or at least keep it quoish. Particularly at the massive turnover end of the league, where the greatest self-perpetuated advantage persists. There will always be a bit of death and dismemberment at the foot soldier end of the is ever thus in establishment orders.