• 19 Mar 2024, 12:17 a.m.

    Our unique situation was that we only had seven players, and three of them were Harry Arter’s arse.

  • 19 Mar 2024, 6:13 a.m.

    But we need to sell them before the end of June.

  • 19 Mar 2024, 7:19 a.m.

    Sold Johnson and Mangala this financial period. £60 million profit in them, £35 million to cover last year's overspend, no JLingz and Henderson wages/costs this year, we might be OK already, might need Worrall to be permanent before end of June.

  • 19 Mar 2024, 7:29 a.m.

    The starting point for this year 2023/24 is that we have 13+35+35 = 83M in allowable losses.

    But we already have 40M (2022) and £52M (2023) against that, so we need a 9M profit this year to come within the limit.

    We have sold Johnson and loaned Mangala and are predicting a 12-17M loss at the moment. I guess that is operating loss rather than PSR loss though.

    If we sell Mangala through his option before the end of June (not sure whether this is feasible as we loaned Wood deliberately to move the cost into this year, are they doing the same with Mangala?) then we probably break even and with allowable losses come in with the required PSR profit.

    Having said that Wood's £15M fee hits this year in full. If we extend him a year, which doesn't seem a stupid idea given his contribution and our lack of strikers, that drops to 7.5M and our position this year immediately improves. So there are options.

  • 19 Mar 2024, 7:53 a.m.

    And selling a couple of players for £10m in total sounds more achievable, maybe Oly want to buy A couple.

  • 19 Mar 2024, 8:02 a.m.

    Unless it's Worrall, doesn't the sale count across the length of the contract or something?

  • 19 Mar 2024, 8:04 a.m.

    Ipswich the outlier, but the point remains - three of the top four (who are seven points clear of fifth) were relegated from EPL last season.

  • 19 Mar 2024, 8:17 a.m.

    Love our statement.
    Start off praising the commission, then kick off at the Premier League and then at the rules we signed up to. Trying to play the little guy when we wanted to play with the big boys and it backfired. (Let's not forget Maranakis' stupid statement on the Council House balcony which the fanbase lapped up).
    Just surprised we didn't throw in PMGOL in there as well and start listing all the dodgy refereeing decisions as well.

    Anyway, this is pretty much where I am - the blame firmly at the feet of family Maranakis...

  • 19 Mar 2024, 8:25 a.m.

    The rules are corrupt, but we broke them. On that level.. it’s all fair enough. It is on the owner, and the greater concern should be that the club is now saddled with liabilities that put it’s future at risk if, at any point, said owner decides to stop funding the obligations he signed us up for. That’s part of what the rules are supposed to stop.. but, of course, things would be no different in that regard if we’d sold BJ a few weeks earlier.

    I had no sympathy for Derby when their existence was in question. The time for supporters to get angry is when the profligacy is being profligate… but it seems that most Derby fans were too busy saying how clever Super Mel was. I’ll have no sympathy for us if we go the same way. Personally, certainly, I’ve gone with ‘fuck it.. this is all dumb as shit but I may as well try and enjoy it’. I don’t have the energy to be all tricky about it.. even though I think he’s mainly correct.

  • 19 Mar 2024, 8:47 a.m.

    The sale counts straight away but the profit is dependent on the cost of the player and how long we have owned them.

  • Squad
    19 Mar 2024, 8:52 a.m.

    My view FWIW is that 4pts isn’t as bad as we might have feared, Everton will possibly get another 3 pts looking at the tallying up they did on our deduction.

    We know where we stand, back to matters on the pitch. Especially if an appeal risks the pts for mitigation that were removed being reinstated.

  • 19 Mar 2024, 9:16 a.m.

    If that's the case, then I'd hope we could pull those figures and use them in our appeal as it undermines the argument made by the commission, in dismissing our attempted mitigation, that our case was more of an annual occurence than the unique one we claimed. Although I suspect it would still fail on the "rules is rules" principle.

  • 19 Mar 2024, 9:23 a.m.

    I think that's a little unfair. Of course there are a few loudmouths talking nonsense about corruption but, from what I've seen, most Forest fans, unlike Everton, have been blaming the Marinakii, rather than the rules. Albeit not too harshly as the overwhelming majority still think they have been massively a net good for the club. (Alhough that may change if the summer brings a massive season ticket hike and something that indicates a move to Toton might be on the cards.)

  • 19 Mar 2024, 9:52 a.m.

    I also think he neatly glosses over some of the more nonsensical details of the rules - such as ‘Ship clubs (Everton) being allowed to ‘add back’ [discount, basically] £100m of undefined “Covid losses” but Forest’s being capped at £97.5m less, and £20m of promotion bonuses also not being allowable (how dare we reward our players & staff for achieving so massively beyond expectations 2 years ago?).

    My impression is that the majority of Forest fans accept that we broke the rules so must take our medicine. But the abject state of the rules is getting a very easy ride from journos here. “Well the clubs vote the rules in, so only themselves to blame”; yes, but since the rules are hugely advantageous to the majority of PL clubs, any Forest vote against would have been pure posturing (& not exactly started our relationship with the PL on a good footing). You need 14 votes against for anything to change; why would at least 10 of those 14 vote for something that would make the promoted clubs less vulnerable, and thus themselves more vulnerable?

    I also dispute the article’s assertion that Forest fans love Marinakis. They love him in comparison with the waist-deep shit-show of Fawaz, yes - but that’s an incredibly low bar. They know that with Marinakis comes a large element of chaos, but accept it because the recent alternative was infinitely worse.

    We fucked up and are paying the price. Personally, I hope we don’t appeal and simply focus on out-performing Luton by at least a point over 9 games. Frankly, if we can’t do that, then we deserve to go down.

    None the less, the rules stink and the entire PL circus bears only a fleeting, residual resemblance to a fair sporting competition. They don’t want a fair sporting competition; indeed they don’t even think of it in terms of a sporting competition any more - it’s more about brands and selling “product”. The idealist in me prefers the Championship, but then I remember that the Championship is merely a cheap(er)-rate version of the same thing.

  • 19 Mar 2024, 10:03 a.m.

    My first inclination is to agree. But then I realise that success in the Championship, which is what we’d be aiming as achieve, is rewarded with access to the EPL. And the whole cycle starts again. Really, the best solution for me would be for the top 6 to reignite their failed super league project and fuck off, leaving the rest of the Premier League teams to form a new and fairer pyramid league with the EFL.