• 15 days ago

    Tried a new authenticator. Doesn't work for the phone. Laptop works but I have no idea why.

    I just wanted the code in the authenticator on my phone. It won't take even after putting in a new authenticator on the phone and re-doing the whole process. I honestly don't know why this doesn't work like it did before the crash where every device was fine using the code from the one authenticator on my phone. Now the phone won't register and even wifey who is a bit more sane than me cannot figure it out either.

    It's positively confounding..

    Chicago: Confounded.

  • trickylens
    15 days ago

    You only register one authenticator at a time. (you can copy the settings to another autrhenticator...but it needs to be the same secret, generating the numerically same one time code every time).

    It does not matter where this authenticator is (phone, laptop, password vault...I have THE SAME setting in all three, and all three generate the same code), but wherever you log in, you use this ONE code (that changes every thirty seconds or whatever).

    So if the laptop works, you have used the correct authenticator (which therefore must be correctly registered to turnstile - and you can only have one registered to turnstile at a time) to generate the code to log in. USE THIS SAME AUTHENTICATOR TO LOG IN ON YOUR PHONE.

    If you pghone doesn't log in correctly using this code, clear your cookies on your phone browaser, and log in again.

    If you can use a OTP code from an authenticator to log in anywhere, then you can use it to log in anywhere else.

  • 15 days ago

    yeah here’s the problem. I managed to get access on this laptop. It is a brand new 2024/25 apple macbook. It didn't have an authenticator downloaded onto it. It automatically managed to generate something that allowed access to trentend. I cannot find on the computer where that is. If I were to reset the password and start again, can i reset to use the same password or would it require something completely new. I have followed the same step on each device and the only one that worked was this one with no downloaded app. I have tried to find it under passwords and cannot. It really is a bit of a mind fuck considering this is a webmong website that I enjoy visiting.

    Wifey followed the same process and ended up just as frustrated. So in essence this laptop is logged on and under a new code. How I generated that code seems to be a bit of a mystery.

    So trying to figure it out has driven us both insane and we are yelling at each other because neither one of us has a fucking clue why it is doing what it is doing.

    Yes I know apple is meant to make things easier but in this case. fucked if I know what it did.

    Chicago: One second away from an aneurysm.

  • trickylens
    15 days ago

    There was a recommendation for Authy on ios. Use that (or something like it) to generate the OTP code on your phone.

    Go to turnstile turnstile.trentend.uk/ using your phone. Click lost your device. It will send you an authentication email. Open that email in the same browser on your phone that you visited turnstile with. Use that QR code, or the key on the same page, to register Authy (or another authenticator) on your phone.

    You should now be able to log in using the same browser on your phone, using the OTP code generate by authy on your phone. If you can't clear the cookies on your phone browser and try again.

    When you can log in on your phone, do nothing else, do not register another authenticator on turnstile.

    Visit turnstile on your laptop broswer. Log out if you have to). Log back in (your username and password remains what it has always been during this process) using the code provided using Authy on your phone (look at it, manually copy it to the log in on your laptop). If you do this before the timeout period you should be logged in.

    One authenticator, providing one OTP code. You can then copy the details from authy on your phone so that other authenticators provide the SAME OTP code at all times.

  • Resident_Alienpanorama_fish_eye
    9 days ago

    Pretty sure I’ve reauthenticated correctly by now partridge (VLC player) is asking for a password and the one saved doesn’t work.

  • Loaferpanorama_fish_eye
    9 days ago

    I think it's playing County anyway

  • trickylens
    9 days ago

    Authenticator log in not required for partridge. It's the username and password correctly incorporated into the URL. See the partridge thread.

    DAB not available on the Nottingham transmitter this morning. It's on FM, because it's all I can get.

  • Loaferpanorama_fish_eye
    9 days ago

    We are on 5 live now actually

  • Resident_Alienpanorama_fish_eye
    8 days ago

    Usually works fine, VLC is now giving me “HTTP Authentication Please Enter a valid login name and password for realm authentication required.”
    Then boxes for my username and password.

    Have logged out and logged in to talkback, so the password is the one in the URL

  • trickylens
    8 days ago

    That is a sign that the username and password encoded in the URL, has not been recognised/validated. Check the spelling, and form of the URL.

  • Jakepanorama_fish_eye
    8 days ago

    Works for me.

  • Resident_Alienpanorama_fish_eye
    8 days ago

    Is it likely due to something I did when reauthenticating? When I tried logging out and in again to talkback it gave me an error message at first but then let me in. I’m trying to remember whether I changed my password when I reset things but then why would it have let me log in.
    The spelling and form for the Partridge address are exactly as they’ve always been as it was saved in VLC. Have double checked and can’t see any difference.

  • trickylens
    8 days ago

    Are you using the correct username, password, and form of URL? It is working for all others reporting, and nothing has changed on the backbend. My test connections all work exactly as before the move.

    I am unable to duplicate your problem. If I can't duplicate it, I can't problem solve it.... Because it is a problem that doesn't actually exist.

    Check your credentials again. Check the url form and that there are no typos. There is no observable reason that a correctly formatted request should fail. The error message you previously mentioned suggested that your username, password, or the URL form were incorrect.

    If you have changed the password, the old password won't work in the url, only the current registered password... Because the admission is based on the current credentials stored in the credentials backend.

  • Resident_Alienpanorama_fish_eye
    8 days ago

    This is the bit I can’t figure. I can sign in and out of talkback with no problem, it seems. So the password must be the same.

    Edit: Seems it was two passwords saved on my phone. D’oh.

  • trickylens
    8 days ago

    Awl gud nah?

  • Resident_Alienpanorama_fish_eye
    8 days ago

    Seems so. Getting some broken up music. The back and forth helped, fwiw.

  • trickylens
    8 days ago

    I can get radio Newark, radio Derby, but no radio Nottingham on DAB from my current location in cotgrave. It will no doubt resurface at some point depending on the weather. In the meantime I shall put it on the wonderful notts commentary, as more here are fans of the bigger club in Nottingham than the foresters. Or so it seems.....

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