• Joannapanorama_fish_eye
    19 days ago

    I get the same, the little favicon thingy is now alive again rather than grey. But it says 403 forbidden. Although I was kinda enjoying having my first morning break as free time and was not planning on getting back into doing it again having gone cold turkey on it, its still annoying me that I cant, rather than choosing not too.

  • trickylens
    19 days ago

    I put it up at talkturd.trentend.uk . is that the wrong place?

    I will check the turnstile settings when I get up, but you should see it there it you are properly logged in. Note that you can copy your statistics from browser to browser using the bar graph icon on the site, and copying the code. Text or email (or some such) it to yourself.

    The problem was that I put it back on the wrong URL. Talkturd inserted of turdle and the permissions logic was not set for that site. You should now be able to access it from both.

  • Joannapanorama_fish_eye
    19 days ago

    That works for me, it was the link from the bottom of this site that would not load, but that new link works fine.

  • trickylens
    19 days ago

    Try the link at the bottom of the page as well. That should work now.

  • Jakepanorama_fish_eye
    19 days ago

    Link at the bottom works too. Thanks tricky!

  • Simonhelp_outline
    19 days ago

    It will weaken our league aims though.

    Don't think Monday will have much bearing on Saturday but it must slightly reduce our chance of getting something and the qf is a few days before a home game against United, which we will definitely want three points from (ridiculous as that would have been a few years ago).

  • dj_bobbinspanorama_fish_eye
    19 days ago

    Got in on desktop ok via the authentication route. Struggling with mobile though. I've logged out of the site on my phone, but can't remember my talkback password to log back in. Password reset emails aren't coming thru, and I can't see how I can reset my password in my desktop browser from a logged in session. Any clues please - apologies if I've been a bit Wout Faes here.

  • dj_bobbinspanorama_fish_eye
    19 days ago

    It helps if you use the right profile name though doesn't it Wout? You massive twat.

    I'm sorted now, thanks.

  • Jakepanorama_fish_eye
    19 days ago

    Trying to log in as jamesob again were you? Knobhead.

  • Dave_Ravepanorama_fish_eye
    19 days ago

    I had the authenticator invalid code thing. Mrs Rave aka The Gadget Twat took my phone, did something and hey presto.
    Now, if you could just correct the spelling of phoenix in the thread title...

  • 19 days ago

    I will have to get a new authenticator. I am likely able to use this laptop as it's brand new and the others I have had for years. I guess at the weekend I will get rid of my dodgy website list (aka the cache) and give it a go again. I don't why I find this immensely frustrating but I do because it should work and when it doesn't then it makes me mental. Wifey was proud of me last night for being calm and not having a massive spaz. Does this mean that this webmong site actually means something to me? Shit.

    Chicago: Still fumbling around.

  • trickylens
    19 days ago

    If you have an android, why have you not got aegis, like I told you to? If you have an apple, surely it just works?

  • trickylens
    19 days ago

    feenicks on it's way.

  • 19 days ago


    Chicago: Fruity.

  • trickylens
    19 days ago

    For something that 'just works' it isn't half a massive support headache.

  • 14 days ago

    Tried a new authenticator. Doesn't work for the phone. Laptop works but I have no idea why.

    I just wanted the code in the authenticator on my phone. It won't take even after putting in a new authenticator on the phone and re-doing the whole process. I honestly don't know why this doesn't work like it did before the crash where every device was fine using the code from the one authenticator on my phone. Now the phone won't register and even wifey who is a bit more sane than me cannot figure it out either.

    It's positively confounding..

    Chicago: Confounded.

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