• 24 May 2023, 11:53 p.m.

    Dean Smith, Craig Shakespeare and a few other Leicester coaching staff were in my local tonight. Shakespeare came over for a chat - seemed a nice bloke. Didn't have the balls to tell them that I hoped that they get relegated and bummed repeatedly by elephants.

  • 25 May 2023, 8:25 a.m.

    Looks like Lopetegui wants out of Wolves because there's no money to spend in the summer, so add them to the list of "could finish below us". Give me another few weeks and I'll have us in the champions league places.

  • 25 May 2023, 10:29 a.m.

    Did he randomly come over, like he was Billy No Mates, or did he know someone in your party, or were they singing Leicester City songs or what?

  • 25 May 2023, 10:35 a.m.

    One of my mates, a fox botherer, looked clearly (over)excited by their prescence and made eye contact. I think it compelled Shakespear to approach us for a chat.

  • 25 May 2023, 11:12 a.m.

    Maybe they are on an apology tour of Leicestershire hostelries?

  • Squad
    25 May 2023, 11:22 a.m.

    I hope you at least dropped that you were a relieved Forest fan...

  • 25 May 2023, 12:33 p.m.

    You could have asked him about the magnificient power of the Forest crowd and whether Leicester's shit support had helped sink their team.

  • 25 May 2023, 1:13 p.m.

    "Them clappers - bit shit aren't they? But if you don't have them, it's silent and then everyone fucks off home with twenty minutes to go in the game because you're losing 3-0. Must be tough. And every time you buy a centre back, the fans say he is miles better than Harry Maguire after seeing them for just one game. And then they go to shit. How does that happen every time? And why haven't you got a competent goalkeeper? Where's JT - looking for a disabled parking spot to abuse? Enjoy your pint".

  • 26 May 2023, 10:42 a.m.

    More on Ivan Toney:


    This seems the most serious bit (although lots is betting on himself and his team, which is bad of itself):

  • 26 May 2023, 8:46 p.m.

    Seems a long time ago, but why couldn't the EFL do this last year?

    I'd argue there's marginally more likely to be trouble between Wednesday and Barnsley fans than Forest and the Uddites.
    (I know its lower-league football rather than 'the richest game in football')

  • 27 May 2023, 2:13 a.m.

    Segregation is still very much enshrined as the norm, isn’t it. Fans of opposing clubs must be kept apart as much as possible and certainly can’t sit close together without 5000 fluorescent-vested goons to keep the peace.

    I know that other sports aren’t real, especially Australian ones, but I must note how this is not really a thing outside of football. In my 8 years of seeing lots of sport here, I have never sat in a segregated area (football games do have ‘active supporter’ zones that are strictly one-or-t’other, but the rest of the ground is in unsegregated).

    Perhaps it’s time to start trying to move past it and instead of assuming all supporters will fight anyone they see with the wrong scarf, see if we can treat everyone like a human grown-up and only intervene when individuals and groups show themselves to be incapable of existing in polite society (and when they prove themselves so, handle them exactly as we would if they kicked off in Tesco.. because ‘being at the football’ is not a mitigating factor that makes being a violent arsehole less serious than otherwise).

  • 27 May 2023, 2:56 a.m.

    Agree with all of that. Although a few years ago we met RD in NYC while he was over with his missus and I took him to his first ever NFL game, the Buffalo Bills at the NY Jets on the opening week of the season, and despite the probably thousands of football matches we've been to in our lives (definitely thousands in his case) we watched one of the most brutal fights in the stands either of us has ever seen at a sporting fixture. I would posit that there are more fights at NFL, NHL etc games than there are at football matches precisely because of segregation.

  • 27 May 2023, 10:08 a.m.

    It would take a few seasons for the banning orders to purge the ground of all those who would fight.

    Moot point at Prem level as pretty much everywhere you have to be a (often paid for) home member to get tickets.

  • 27 May 2023, 6:50 p.m.

    Celtic have a player called Starfelt and another called "Oh". True fact.

  • 27 May 2023, 8:04 p.m.

    I'm glad our final wasn't as tense as that. Luton don't appear to have a Freed From Desire song happening though.

    Two years in a row Ethan Horvath has won the POF. If Luton don't buy him we should see who in the Champ wants to buy a lucky charm.