• 31 Oct 2023, 4:24 p.m.

    They could play until one of them knocks the other one the fuck out?

  • 31 Oct 2023, 4:28 p.m.

    Boxing is not done wearing a pair of Reeboks from JJB, and the scoring in boxing is theoretically not subjective - effective aggression is about landing blows that count. But the original sports are exempt from the rules anyway because they are the essence of sport, they are the only ones that can actually be performed by noodle's naked Greek man:

    • Running
    • Jumping
    • Fighting

    Without any equipment, these sports still exist as a pure competition between two people. No others do.

  • 31 Oct 2023, 5:16 p.m.

    Was the Marquess of Queensbury a naked Greek? I suppose it explains the name.....

  • 31 Oct 2023, 6:57 p.m.

    Not sure you can stand behind full objectivity for scoring in boxing? Those judging diving/gymnastics/ice-skating might argue the same. And although “artistic impression” can be dodgy, I would not do any of those in flip flops whilst drunk .

    Also is there a criteria 4: included in the ancient Olympics? If so, you’d need to include horse riding and chariot racing. And then you get into tricky’s nebulous area*.

    (*Realise this phrase could be misinterpreted)

  • 31 Oct 2023, 7:04 p.m.

    I know you’ve been ex-patting for a while but I hate to tell you JJB went into administration about 10 years ago. Any self-respecting fat middle aged man would get his Reeboks from Sports Direct.

  • 31 Oct 2023, 7:10 p.m.

    Any sport with a referee is subject to criticism of subjectivity, however boxing has two main criteria that get it past this rule:

    • Judging is primarily based on "effective aggression" i.e. the volume and quality of punches landed, where quality is defined by the heaviness and location of the landing. These are not subjective considerations
    • Any boxing match can be won by simply knocking the opponent out

    There is not; "original sports" does not equate to "ancient Olympics", other than the original sports were in the Ancient Olympics. The original sports have existed as long as man has felt the need to compete with his fellow man, be it for shelter, food, woman, escape, or simply fun.

    As our resident expert on leisure footwear, I will defer to you on this point.

  • 31 Oct 2023, 7:47 p.m.

    What's Loic Bade wearing these days? (Apart from winner's medals..)

    Chicago: Needing to know.

  • 1 Nov 2023, 11:07 a.m.

    You really do seem to have some form of “interest” in footwear these days…

  • 1 Nov 2023, 5:11 p.m.

    On the matter of Guru, footwear and Loic Bade, I have a table at Uchi after the Villa game. Will report back any trainer news.

  • 13 Jan 2024, 6:39 p.m.

    Got train across to Cardiff earlier, watching Cardiff v Harlequins, 8pm KO.

    Should be decent atmosphere as sold out,mainly due to Quin's fans travelling I think. Hopefully the Welsh get a hammering.

  • 3 Feb 2024, 6:08 p.m.

    There was a time when to play for Wales you had to be called Gareth Williams. It was just a rule. Now you have to change your name to Go Compare, presumably for contractual reasons. Either that or the Compare family have replaced the Williams family as wales premier sporting dynasty, and have a very limited imagination for first names.

  • 3 Feb 2024, 6:56 p.m.

    Oh...it seems like they have other names as well. The welsh captain is apparently called Dafydd Jenkins. Presumably he got the job because his made up name is the most welsh?

  • 9 Mar 2024, 8:34 p.m.

    Terrific end to the England Ireland game today. Gotta love live sport, even egg chasing.

  • 9 Mar 2024, 9:16 p.m.

    It was both a great game, and ingerland weren't tirelessly shit and boring. For the first time in years.

  • 16 Mar 2024, 9:47 p.m.

    So there's a crucial penalty at the death to give France the win but tv doesn't show a replay of the offence. Rugby remains strange.