Did you get one that you can set to a temperature, and it keeps the water at that, like me?
At least it might stop you burning the fucking nescafe.
Did you get one that you can set to a temperature, and it keeps the water at that, like me?
At least it might stop you burning the fucking nescafe.
It tastes best burnt. I always put the boiling water straight onto the coffee.
Then 3 sugars minimum. Milk at the end, half and half if I’m feeling flash .
With all that lot going in, you could leave the coffee out and not notice the difference.
Oh, you do. You put nescafe in instead.
Nescafe Gold. I’m a premium coffee guy these days. None of your muck,
Today we are officially homeless!
This month is going to be a cnut.
Chicago: Cash rich, house poor.
Wifey just texted me excitedly, “just got contacted by vice over my black clay mezcal shot glasses. Interesting!”.
Wifey: gets them straight from the source in Oaxaca Mexico.
“Law enforcement or the media company? “
“Media company?”
“Is it a story on lead in the clay or a Narco story?”
“No, they just want to order for a tequila party…”
“Oh they are buying from you?!”….. Mundaneness after all.
Chicago: Temporarily excited.
...in april '22 I paid £4.99 for 240 hayfever tablets. The exact same thing is £13.79 today.
I see that 'wage inflation' is being touted as the reason that the bank of england needs to put up interest rates to make you pay for your profligacy through your mortgage.
Putting the responsibility for inflation on a divided and angry workforce is easier than looking at any of the other factors that might be politically unpopular. People can eat less food (in theory), but CEOs can't take less profit, corporations can't be regulated, monopolies can't be broken, for example. And there are hordes of econonomists happily parroting the same traditional line.
I had a new experience today - got my chest and stomach waxed. Gentlemen, I do not recommend it. It is the least sexy instance of an attractive young lady rubbing her hands on my body I think I've ever had. I have a new respect for ladies who willingly have that done to their sensitive bits.
You didn’t go for back, sack, and crack? I hear it’s quite breathtaking.
I did not. I think I'll continue to take care of those bits by myself with the trusty trimmer. Apart from the pain, I really don't think I'm comfortable asking a girl half my age to be dealing with my bits.
Played at a pub in Hove on Monday. They've now put the video on their facebook page. Which is nice.
Found it!
Just post the link and stop being a fake shrinking violet.
There's nothing to be ashamed of if you can actually do something. I wish I could. If I could, you'd definitely hear about it.
Just post the link and stop being a fake shrinking violet.
There's nothing to be ashamed of if you can actually do something. I wish I could. If I could, you'd definitely hear about it.
Alright then, fuckit.