• 7 Feb 2024, 10:02 a.m.

    A chum of mine runs a business that delivers EV charging point management systems. He has skin in the game obvs but I trust him because he has excellent taste in music. His views are, which seem to stack is:
    Battery technology is rapidly improving leading to greater capacity and distance, battery life and rapidity of charging. Recycling techniques will also improve rapidly.
    EV charging point roll out is rapid
    Increasingly sustainable energy sources are coming on line.

    These things seem to make sense, shit improves over time and where there is commercial demand, they improve rapidly
    It is the future

  • 7 Feb 2024, 10:09 a.m.

    Tricky has, I believe, removed fried squirrel from the original recipe.

  • 7 Feb 2024, 10:12 a.m.

    Let's hope so because Mrs BW has just put a deposit down on the e-Golf.

  • Squad
    7 Feb 2024, 10:32 a.m.

    I’ve had an e-Mitsubishi. It was excellent.

  • 7 Feb 2024, 12:34 p.m.

    I had a tentative look at the e golf recently as thought I was going to have to change my 13 year diesel golf.

    155000 miles and just passed an MOT (with a cost of £350) but that’s very little compared to the outlay for a new car.

    Hopefully lasts another year.

  • 7 Feb 2024, 12:36 p.m.

    I’d like an e-Golf. I had a regular one back in the 90s and it’s my favorite car I’ve owned.
    I currently have a Golf Sportswagen as the family car. Boot space was a big concern (we had a Mazda 5 before) and everything here is an SUV with remarkably small boots unless you buy a truly ridiculous size. Figures they’ve stopped making the Sportwagen in the US.
    My car for work is a Fiat 500e. It has piss poor battery life but it’s perfect for my commute which is 99.9% of its function. I just plug it in in the garage when I get home from work and it’s good by the time I leave the next morning.

  • 7 Feb 2024, 2:22 p.m.

    Mrs BW's looks on paper a decent find. It's had one previous owner who had six grand of options installed from new and has clearly really looked after it. Car's also done fewer than 6,000 miles a year on average.

    It's a post-2017 model with the heat pump installed and they're really hard to find on the used market. We're hoping it's a positive experience into the world of EV motoring and, if not, we'll just hand it back at the end of the term. Was Mrs BW's current car not on the verge of collapse, I doubt we'd have made the switch just yet.

  • 7 Feb 2024, 3:03 p.m.

    What's his view (genuinely interested) in how folks in heavily populated urban areas without driveways etc will convert across?

  • 7 Feb 2024, 3:21 p.m.

    I share this interest. It's what is stopping me from buying one (and I about to replace my car).

  • Squad
    8 Feb 2024, 11:53 a.m.

    On my way to the Post Office earlier, I noticed a broken bollard on a crossing had some pooled water from the snowfall and the exposed electrics were sizzling and smoking. Seemed dangerous, if somewhat Darwinian should someone touch it.

    I called the Council and they’re sending someone round to fix it today. I’ve never called the Council before. Not sure if this means I’m getting old.

  • 8 Feb 2024, 12:57 p.m.

    The story about the cyclist was better.

  • 8 Feb 2024, 1:05 p.m.

    I had to get a taxi earlier, my second time with this guy so not totally awkward but I'm more than a little socially anxious generally. Getting out of the Taxi I said "cheers a lot"
    Note to self: it's either Thanks a lot, or just cheers, not some weird, awkward mix of the two!
    It'll be a while before I get that taxi again.

  • Squad
    8 Feb 2024, 1:09 p.m.

    It was probably more believable than me performing an act of civic duty.

  • 8 Feb 2024, 7:13 p.m.

    I have to throw nine switches to turn all the equipment in my office off, rather than leave it all on standby. Ten if you include the coffee machine, but that's normally off, apart from in the morning (post 9am, pre noon).

  • 9 Feb 2024, 1:51 a.m.

    You did a good thing. A friend of mine was electrocuted in Brooklyn by a light pole that had exposed wires. He came to with a cop performing CPR and thought he was being arrested so tried to fight him.