I remember it was a particularly long drive back to Horsham that night and got home at silly o clock on a school night. I could do that shit in those days. If I don't get at least 7 hours sleep nowadays I'm less than useless the next day.
I remember it was a particularly long drive back to Horsham that night and got home at silly o clock on a school night. I could do that shit in those days. If I don't get at least 7 hours sleep nowadays I'm less than useless the next day.
I went into Notts after, got pissed up on the winnings from the bookies then lost my wallet with a month’s rent in on the way home.
Mixed night.
As someone who has to check Google Calendar to remind myself what I did last weekend, I find this sort of recollection amazing. Unless it was a particularly memorable event I've no idea what I did that night. I mean, I think I had a ST at the time, so I was probably there - but that's about it.
I do have a strange capacity for recalling the trivial, which is why I was banned from tbr Golden Hour.
Anything important though, not so much.
I think I can also recall Pod's review on his Sack the Board site which ran with the headline "Ah, That's Better" or similar.
Must've been 2000 / 2001.
I can remember pitch invasions, good atmospheres and opposition players evading justice. That's about it.
I had a season ticket, and was almost certainly there. I have no recollection at all.
In fact I have no idea about anything that happened over half an hour ago. Sometimes I think that my DNA must be at least 50% goldfish.
I'm pretty sure it was the first year of the 199 quid trent end season tickets. I was up in T4 for the next decade.
Although to be fair beating anyone 5-0 wasn't a weekly occurance. But we were still nothing like as shit as we were to become.
That's the 5-1 Robbie Blake/Jack Lester game?
She must have had you very young.
I thought the one decent/ Blake game was Gillingham away and 3-1 to the famous team.
If I do something clumsily, or something stupid, I tend to shout at myself. Tourettes style.
Have been shouting "twatfeatures" a bit more than the average today.
I am not playing football tonight, so a bit more grumpy than the average.
At the dentist. Not my favourite thing.
You've had a rough 24 hours.
At least there's news that the Tories are further selling us all down the river, to cash in on the petrochemical dollar, to assuage my troubled mind.
Hooray for Rishi!
If he brings back EOTHO I propose a statue.