• 26 Dec 2023, 3:09 p.m.

    It was Dyche, yes. He can score goals with his head (qv Blunts game earlier this season), but because of his build people assume he must be some sort of Antipodean Niall Quinn… which he certainly isn’t.

    Too early to tell and not enough sample size yet, but it can be interesting what a different pair of eyes and a slight change of emphasis can do - I was listening rather than watching, and at one point the Beeb guy said something along the lines of “Forest have a clear plan snd are executing it perfectly”. In recent times that wasn’t always the case under SSC. I think he knew how he wanted to play, but sadly his ability to get the players to do it consistently across 90 minutes seemed to desert him towards the end. By the sound of it, our players had clear heads today, and played like it.

    Only time will tell whether this was a rare example of it clicking, or a season-turning performance.

  • Squad
    26 Dec 2023, 3:10 p.m.

    I started making a trifle after the pen went in, I put it in the fridge to set as Wood completed his hat-trick.

    Victory trifle will taste extra sweet later on.

  • 26 Dec 2023, 3:11 p.m.

    Draw for me. Blades win and they'll start thinking they can put a run together. They've played well since Wilder came in and the fans think they can stay up. Need a few draws and loses to bring them back to low expectations.

  • 26 Dec 2023, 3:14 p.m.

    Now I want victory trifle.

  • 26 Dec 2023, 3:17 p.m.

    And in the pre match, a member of this hallowed space was on the Telly box. Take a bow DK.

  • 26 Dec 2023, 3:25 p.m.

    Thought MGW was spot on today. His best performance of the season. Didn't see that coming at all.

    I thought Montiel had a good game as well.

  • 26 Dec 2023, 3:49 p.m.

    Does anyone want a kitten? Only I had several watching our defending at times. At least we looked pretty good going forward and weren't afraid to commit players up the field, which was nice.

  • 26 Dec 2023, 5:03 p.m.

    But anyway, that was good. Had a bizarrely vivid dream that we'd lost 4-3 at Sheffield United, which seems inappropriate and confusing.

  • 26 Dec 2023, 5:30 p.m.

    It is amusing to read Forest webmongs saying things like "I love Cooper but Nuno's football is much better to watch". It might be, but I don't really know that we've seen enough yet to say that. We produced the odd performance like today under SSC as well.

  • 26 Dec 2023, 5:34 p.m.

    Seems to be both ways: "we would have done this under Cooper" is similarly amusing.

    "Too early to tell" seems the only answer

  • 26 Dec 2023, 7:12 p.m.

    I have no victory trifle. I'm consoling myself with victory Triple Karmeliet.

  • Squad
    26 Dec 2023, 7:49 p.m.

    The victory trifle was very sweet. Mary Berry knows her onions, or in this case, pears.

  • 26 Dec 2023, 8 p.m.

    Wouldn't have thought that Mary Berry had a sweet pear, and if she did it would be more a trifle, than a victory.

  • 26 Dec 2023, 8:48 p.m.

    Oh shut up. It was the marvelous mince pies that did it. Although I do like the term victory trifle. I didn’t really comment on the Bournemouth game as I thought we played very well with 10 men even with ridiculous decisions going against us.

    Today the Isak penalty was a joke and I thought here we go again but was pleasantly surprised that Newcastle were knackered. Woods finishing was incredible (what a buy by Coops!!!) and Elanga was being all Franz Carr again. Danilo and sangare weren’t at the races but MGW certainly was. A majestic performance. If only he has his shooting boots turned into gold. Looks like a brand new coaching staff. No idea what happened to Reid or Reidy but suspect the worst.

    Anyway, our playing at the back made me scream more than once. Clearly Turner can catch, punch and save but to have him play from the back is cruel. It does say a lot when the German/greek cannot get a game. Apparently he is a moaner so Nuno probably took one look at that and told him to shut his yap. Toff’s has been playing great so to replace him was somewhat confusing but if it’s rotation then I am okay with that. Montiel to be fair was decent, even though the gobby twat got himself a card for demanding a caution.

    I had a feeling even when we were banging in the goals and missing them that Isak would fluke another penalty and we would shit ourselves but it seems the Geordie’s are going full ‘Arry Kane and becoming dead legs.

    Yates winding up Joelinton was hilarious and Morgan constantly on Bruno was definitely a strategy. Unlucky on Mangala but hopefully it’s a rest thing.

    I put this down to great finishing. With MGW pulling the strings. Franz Carr could be world class but he makes Franz Carr decisions. I can relate. I was way faster in my prime than anyone on the pitch but my brain couldn’t keep up. If Steven Reid is still there then his job is to get our speedy Swede right. If so, then I would be very very happy and he could become world class.

    Hudson Adoi looks unfit still. You can see his skill set is there but was nowhere near as dangerous which is a shame. I expect another forward/winger in January,

    Like Tricky, I put this down to Newcastle not being at the races. Take nothing away though we battled with occasional bouts of class. If Luton weren’t so annoying I would be more confident. Currently I am not yet.

    Importantly the real test will be the Scum. We never beat them and hopefully someone can get a handle on Rashford and MGW can do a Bruno on Bruno.

    Get a result on Saturday and I will start to feel a bit of relief. But, as with all things Forest. It Ain’t boring!!!

    Chicago: Pleasantly surprised.

  • 26 Dec 2023, 8:57 p.m.

    We did, but it was nice heading into an away game not being totally sure we wouldn’t win.

    And when we took the lead we didn’t just wait for the equaliser.

    Best away performance in the PL by far, great win but still much to do.

  • 26 Dec 2023, 9:13 p.m.

    There were a fair few things that came together for us today (newcastle leggy, and for some reason reluctant to attack our weaknesses - unlike many recent opponents , playing a sluggish high line, making it nice and easy for us to get in repeatedly behind without having to be too precise, and us actually taking some chances).

    The referee wasn't one of them. Let's not forget how bad that prick was.

    If we played like that, against that calibre of opponent every week....then happy days. I suspect that it might be a bit more complicated than that. I'm currently watching manure play...they are reassuringly shite...but they are reassuringly shite while being individually better in every position. We have to hope a lot of these teams have an off day...because the squad hasn't suddenly been cured overnight. Despite what it might feel like tonight. ...oh and I think nuke hassle have lost five of the last six in all comps and looked dead on their feet for weeks, with a massive injury crisis...but...you know.....you need the luck of not playing teams always in their best form sometimes.