• 2 years ago

    After much faff, I am on board. Did you miss me?

  • trickylens
    2 years ago


    Remind me, who are you again?

  • donnyredpanorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    I can only access the site via laptop. My phone keeps saying wrong passord

  • trickylens
    2 years ago

    Where does 'it' say that?

  • dj_bobbinspanorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    Is there an option to hide avatars, shrink the font / change the view etc? I work from home, so I don't need to worry about being seen to slack, but I'd like a few more words on the monitor if there is an option..

  • Artpanorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    One of the things I liked about the old board was the little ‘new’ sign which took me to the last post I read.

    Does this board have something similar? I have looked, but I am crap with all things techie so I always ask as I am sure I have missed something

  • 2 years ago

    The topics with unread posts are underlined (on mobile at least).

  • Artpanorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    Thanks Lessred, any idea how I jump straight to the last post I read? It’s a real ball ache to have to scroll through long threads

  • JimShadypanorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    I think if you click here, it takes you to the last post you haven't read. Or maybe just the last post. I'm not quite sure.


    PNG, 66.2 KB, uploaded by JimShady 2 years ago.

  • Artpanorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    Thanks Jim, I am getting used to this place slowly but surely. So if it just takes me to the last post, I will still have to scroll ‘backwards’ to the last post I read. That’s a shame

  • Russpanorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    Clicking the blue box takes you to the first unread. On mobile, clicking the title of an underlined thread does the same thing.

  • trickylens
    2 years ago

    That takes you to the last post in the thread. In your picture the blue box to the left of the thread title takes you to the first unread post (the threads below it have no unread posts). If there is no blue box, that square takes you to the last post as well.

    The title takes you to the first post of the thread.

    The avatar of the person with the last post, takes you to that users profile.

    Clicking "Tech" takes you to a sorted list of the tech threads. "Feedback" takes you to a sorted list of Tech-feedback posts.

    The only element that doesn't also act as a context menu is the comments bubble...which just tells you how many posts in the thread.

    At the bottom of every page is an up arrow, to return to the top of the page...and there is a "home" link that takes you back to the home thread view. There is a lot of functionality in a compact and clear form.

  • trickylens
    2 years ago

    Select the user menu...this displays the top posters list. If you click the "top posters", and select "squad" you will see a list of your fellow members.

  • Russpanorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    I have no idea what "Ranked Posts" means but it seems clear that I am winning the new board.


  • trickylens
    2 years ago

    No idea, but I'm quite sure that I can do something, so that doesn't happen.

  • Russpanorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    Not very sporting of you.

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