• 26 Apr 2024, 6:10 p.m.

    Maybe because that's an invention of the fevered brain of the cult members, and because virtually no manager in the modern game survives winning 1 game in 13 and 3 in 18?

  • 26 Apr 2024, 6:27 p.m.

    Please show me where I've defended Nuno. I'm on record multiple times as saying that I don't think he's any better and that his football is often as negative and underwhelming as Cooper's was. I suspect that we'll see him gone this summer regardless of whether we stay up or not, and I doubt many people will shed a tear.

  • 26 Apr 2024, 6:43 p.m.

    I think if we got 7 or more from the remaining games it might save Nuno. But at the moment he's mostly OK because it's so late in the season and we're blaming referees.

  • 26 Apr 2024, 7:07 p.m.

    I find this ego thing fairly amusing. If someone without an affinity to a club is going to spend tens of millions of their own cash then most want a bit of limelight.

    When Leicester won the league their final home game programme had the owner on the front cover. And when the team had the bus tour the family were very prominent on that.

    It’s nothing new or unique that Marinakis might want something about him at the CG.

    But thanks for the reminder about the museum as now going to book me and my son for a tour over the summer.

  • 26 Apr 2024, 7:24 p.m.

    Is it a portrait of Cloughie, Fawaz, the Billiez and Marinakis and son? I'll be disappointed if not.

  • 26 Apr 2024, 7:35 p.m.

    If we manage to scrape it and stay up I would be v surprised if he was still charge next season.
    Although, it would be very Forest to give him the summer and 3 games before sacking for not winning them all.

  • 26 Apr 2024, 8:29 p.m.

    Or is it Marinakis doing his version of the MGW fingers in ears Tifo?

  • 26 Apr 2024, 8:45 p.m.

    Behave, this crap is far more pure than the last crap because whilst the results are no better at least no one is having any fun anymore. This way we call focus on the most important thing in football, accounting.

    FWIW it feels like Cooper never fitted the vision, there wasn't any real desire to build on last year's success or the reasons behind it, just a crackpot scheme to chase rainbows. That comes from the chairman. If he'd been paying attention we might have had a keeper for the first half of the season.

  • 26 Apr 2024, 8:51 p.m.

    You've said this a couple of times, but a keeper from Arsenal who is the de facto starter for the 11th ranked team in the world, and a backup with 151 appearances for Benfica in the Primera and the Champions' League as well as 41 starts for his country, should have been a huge improvement. I don't think it's remotely fair to suggest that it was ignored, somehow they both turned out to be lemons and I doubt that Cooper had no say in the matter (particularly Turner, I can well believe that Vlachodimos was a decision made without his involvement).

  • 26 Apr 2024, 9:04 p.m.

    The first half of the season under Cooper wasn’t fun. It was fucking shit.

  • 26 Apr 2024, 9:42 p.m.

    Fuck me you're sensitive!

    I honestly have no idea what Nuno's record is but assume it is similar to Cooper and that he'll be on his way soon if so.

  • 27 Apr 2024, 2:20 a.m.

    He's won 1 in 9, 2 in 15, and 3 in 17 in the league since his appointment. He seems to be surviving ok - probably because he's not as popular as SSC was.

  • 27 Apr 2024, 2:23 a.m.

    Yeah, because Nuno is falling over himself to pick them now. SSC was the head coach - it was the job of others to recruit, which is why dear leader has sacked a football team full of recruitment people since we got promoted.

  • 27 Apr 2024, 9:19 a.m.

    It’s just a load of text, but no idea what it says.
    I was told that one of the Miracle men pix in hospitality has been replaced by a pic of Maranakis jr with the playoff trophy though.
    Their ego knows no bounds.

  • 27 Apr 2024, 9:26 a.m.

    Did you ever look at the reasons why?
    That SSC got us up was a miracle. That SSC kept us up was a miracle and both despite our idiot owner, not because of, as he believes.
    That this seasons squad was weaker and still our idiot of an owner believed just chucking players at the problem was the answer is not SSCs fault.
    The only thing SSC did wrong was connect too well with the fan base and that our idiot owner couldn’t accept it.
    That you expect SSC to have worked miracles (again) in 13 games with an entirely new squad of mainly right backs is symptomatic of the modern desire for instant gratification. I blame smartphones.