• 14 Jan 2024, 8:06 a.m.

    The six point thing is all over twitter, not seen anything about Saudi. To be honest not many sensible fans would be too surprised we have breached FFP. We were like a kid in a sweet shop buying players. Some one at the club wants fucking for even letting us get close to FFP. We knew the rules and while I would be pretty pissed off if we get relegated because of it we will certainly deserve it. Did our owner think its doesn't apply to him.

    We will be more than lucky to escape this, in fact its so well covered in the media I think its inevitable. Our accounting is suspect at best and I have read some articles that really hammer it home. Its gross incompetence at best for even being considered a penalty of points loss. Our owner has backed the club but is a cowboy owner which considering he isn't new to club ownership is shocking at best.

  • 14 Jan 2024, 8:38 a.m.

    A quick look on Twitter shows some saying there will a 6 point deduction on Monday.

    Others rightly pointing out there will be no points deduction on Monday, clubs will be named who may be in bother.

    It is then said to take a couple of weeks to sort with punishments but interestingly the appeals deadline is May 24, after the season has ended. (I’ve not verified this claim).

  • 14 Jan 2024, 8:53 a.m.

    The may date was in an Athletic story as a backstop date.

    If we have breached then we have no one to blame but ourselves. If we did it as a tactical decision to stay up, then let's hope it works and we can survive 6 points.

    The system is probably wrong and unfair, but we knew what it was so I hope there will be no "corrupt" comments by fans a la Everton whingers.

  • 14 Jan 2024, 10:07 a.m.

    I think it's terribly sad what has become of football (the world). I've emotionally checked out a while ago, but I will always follow forest for what they have meant to me over my history. Without being a fan of what we, and the game, have become.

    On FFP (profit and sustainability, bleurgh). Without seeing the books, it's been very clear that our dealings have been atypical compared with our direct peers. That was always going to be with attendant risk, and require creative accountancy. Not really what I'm in the game for. We did comment at the time that the Brennan deal looked like it needed to happen to balance the books. It shouldn't be a massive surprise to anyone if that wasn't optimally handled.

    I'm off to watch a kids team that one of the football lads coaches. There will always be real football. Accountant free.

  • 14 Jan 2024, 10:51 a.m.

    1) Is from someone inside the club. Not saying "it will happen", more that "the mood in the club is that we will be punished and 6pts punishment feels about right."

    2) Has definitely happened, although my (different) ITK isn't sure if it is looking at investment or a complete sale.

  • 14 Jan 2024, 10:54 a.m.

    ITK 1 worked at the club for years, told me lots of minor correct stuff before now.

    ITK 2 is a close friend who is close to this, not from Forest but very well informed on this.

  • Squad
    14 Jan 2024, 11:04 a.m.

    There’s lots of suspicion that Chelsea’s new owners are basically Saudi in disguise. Probably be some investment bankers interested in Florist awash with lots of money from waves hands crypto or something.

    Definitely not Saudis.

  • 14 Jan 2024, 12:20 p.m.

    Well unless the talked to the FA, they gave us blessing to sell Johnson at the end of the window to maximise profit, and they've now backtracked on that.

  • 14 Jan 2024, 1:05 p.m.

    It's the responsibility of the club to run the club according to the rules, and those in governance to apply those rules. I don't subscribe to this "but it's us...and reasons", if it comes to that. The whole pile of fish just stinks.

  • 14 Jan 2024, 1:44 p.m.

    The problem is that the rules are a) crap (reporting windows halfway through a transfer window aren't fit for purpose) and b) vague as fuck ( in terms of fine, points and numbers of points for punishments).

    I'm not going to cry and stamp my feet if we get fined for breaching. But that doesn't get away from the fact that the process is a joke.

  • 14 Jan 2024, 1:45 p.m.

    In the original Percy article, the clubs story was that they'd met their reporting obligations and had been in contact with the league about the Johnson transfer. I thought at the time it was notable that they didn't claim the league had approved the approach.

  • 14 Jan 2024, 2:56 p.m.

    And yet when it was Everton 's turn to face the comeback, we were not not only all for it, but positively rubbing our hands with glee at the prospect of a percieved relegation rival getting hit with the full force of the rules.

    If we' ve breached, and its not a stretch to imagine, sure we can rightly be royally pissed off at the owner and / or whoever's job it was / is to be on top of this sort of thing (maybe the CEO was, and said so, and promptly 'left' the club), but I'm not sure "waah but tbe rules are wrong. Its not fair" is much of a defence.

    It just makes us sound a bit D**by, in my humble.

  • 14 Jan 2024, 3:05 p.m.

    With regard to the reporting period and subsequent punishment, they have totally changed since Everton's case. They breached about two years ago and only recently received the points deduction. The rules were crap then, with regard to how long the process took. They've changed the rules to make sure punishment can be dished out quicker. Good. But they've put the reporting deadline in the middle of the transfer window. Which just seems like lack of foresight and intelligence to me.

  • 14 Jan 2024, 3:05 p.m.

    That's not what I said really is it.

  • 14 Jan 2024, 3:15 p.m.

    My mistake. Please allow me to amend.

    I'm not not sure "problem is the process the process is a) crap..."

    The process we were aware of, is much of a defence.

    It makes us sound a bit D**by, in my humble.

  • 14 Jan 2024, 3:33 p.m.

    Quite amusing to see a section of the fan base talking about how we have definitely been nobbled for points under FFP, while another section are linking us with players and discussing who to buy.

    More than anyone ever talks about the actual football.