• 7 Dec 2023, 4:44 p.m.

    Not unless you can discern something from this:

  • 7 Dec 2023, 4:45 p.m.

    I wonder if Joe has been disciplined over the leaked teamsheets that happened some time ago. I did hear an unsubstantiated rumour that his girlfriend was to blame. Just a rumour, I stress, but it did come via somebody who is loosely connected to Joe’s circle of mates.

  • 7 Dec 2023, 4:45 p.m.

    I haven’t. I like Steve and he’s done a wonderful job. But he’s not perfect, he still has stuff to learn and he may make missteps with man management. Everyone does. The idea that Marinakis has frozen Worrall out rather than Cooper is ridiculous. But there seems to be a cult developing that because he got us promoted and we stayed up that he is a miracle worker who cannot be criticised.

    You’re old enough to remember managers who achieved even greater things who were ultimately let go, even TLGC. Arguably, we let Cloughie stay a season or so too long but he had earned that right.

  • 7 Dec 2023, 4:58 p.m.

    This seems quite confused and contradictory. Definitely nobody, to my knowledge, had suggested that anyone is perfect, let alone a football manager.

    You may not be persuaded by the arguments, but try a bit harder to understand what they actually are. Not what the voices are telling you.

  • 7 Dec 2023, 5:17 p.m.

    I'm not sure why but in my head they are having a trash talking rap battle thing, in the sticky out bit, both with a Fosters on the go. Joe's in his training kit, SSC in his Paul Smith gilet.

  • 7 Dec 2023, 5:18 p.m.

    This is entirely possible. At the same time, it could be a deliberate briefing against a popular manager, it wouldn't be the first time. We will likely never know.

  • 7 Dec 2023, 6:25 p.m.

    I like Cooper and appreciate what he has done but unfortunately I decided last year he wasn't up to premier league management. The football even when we get the odd win is generally poor to watch. Ultra defensive but yes you could just about live with that if the results followed. Something is seriously wrong when a team of internationals play consistently poor. Cooper talks about the process but what process, the players don't understand it and the fans just assume its low block and its not popular. Why did eight players play like they had no desire ( Cooper alluded to lack of desire) or put no effort. Has Cooper lost the dressing room? It certainly seems so.

    Me personally I wont be upset when he goes, as Guru said even Cloughie stayed too long and relegated us. I certainly wouldn't like to accept relegation as a price to keep Cooper. Does anyone feel confident on another promotion. It took 23 years last time. I have watched every game just about this season including two in the flesh and other than Villa its not been enjoyable chewing my nails for 80 minutes or watching a complete shit show.

    Just as an update my wife is undergoing Chemo, she has a nephology attached as well. The cancer isnt curable but they are hoping to contain it. She is coping quite well with the Chemo and only has a few side effects. We just take each day as it comes and try to live normally. I am now fully retired and a pensioner. I still do patient transport on occasions.

  • 7 Dec 2023, 7:29 p.m.

    So you got that one wrong. What's the idea, relegate him to the dole queue before he proves you wrong again?

    The football is better than last season. Progression. The results are better than last season (albeit with some left out there at this stage). What I suspect you mean is that you are not seeing the numbers from results that you want to. TUP.

    San Marino say 'hi!'.

    So you don't understand it. What makes you think that the players don't, or that it's easy to do and outwit seasoned teams and professionals at this level? You do know that other teams also try?

    They didn't...but a new untried setup crumbled after conceding a goal away. A bad goal. Then it all turned a bit shit, as can happen in football.

    Why did the players put in a good shift against a notoriously hard working Dyche side in the previous game, and only were denied sharing the spoils with an inexplicable decision to not award us a penalty? We may even have gone on to win that game if we had converted it and taken the lead. Are you aware of the notion of slim margins in elite sport?

    Who knows...there will always be the disaffected and mutterings. I personally don't see any clear evidence of it. I just saw us chuck in the worst performance of the season in the last game. YMMV.

    I'd be disappointed to lose demonstrably the best coach that we have had in the last quarter of a decade. Experience suggests those sort of appointments for nottingham forest - who connect with the club, it's history, and it's following, are not like buses. Not even tory austerity cut buses. I'll be absolutely fucking furious if that happens and we become a shambles and get relegated consequently...particularly as recent experience suggests that Cooper has this.

    18 years, and pissed in the bath every day = too long.
    2 seasons with measurable progress every season = not too long.

    Have you considered following ManUre ManShitty?

    Best wishes to your wife, and to you Donny. Make every day the best you can. Good advice for us all.

  • 7 Dec 2023, 7:57 p.m.

    I know you didn’t but thanks for clarifying. You did however call him a miracle worker (“he’s performed two miracles and I back him to perform a third”or something like that) and you bristle/patronise every time he receives criticism.

    I’m not confused or contradicting myself. I’ve been pretty clear and consistent….

    1. I don’t think Maranakis will give him much longer. It sounds like it’s do or die vs Wolves
    2. I will be upset as he has done really well and bought cohesion and joy back to the club. However it a results business and we have an ambitious, dispassionate owner.
    3. I don’t think relegation is a price that I’m willing to pay (for reasons I’ve documented) and while there are three or four clubs more likely, we are on a terrible trajectory.
    4. I do believe there are diehard SSC supporters who disagree and don’t like him being criticised who will take some time to get over this (if they ever do)
  • 7 Dec 2023, 9:02 p.m.

    The die hard Cooper supporters are reminding me of the Corbynites. And I’m finding them equally as mental.

  • 7 Dec 2023, 9:07 p.m.

    1 to 4 are all correct imo. But managers get too much credit for good performances and too much blame for bad ones. For me, we need way more evidence that Cooper has 'lost the dressing room' before it makes sense to dismiss a manager who understands and has connected with the city and the fans better than anyone since Clough (or perhaps ever). I suspect you're right that Wolves will be Cooper's last game unless there is a marked improvement in performance. For me, that would be a mistake. Marinakis gave him a reprieve last year. I hope he has the wisdom to do the same again.

  • 7 Dec 2023, 9:33 p.m.

    Tricky states his point very well, very persuasive, but then he did that until the end with Hughton as well. Cooper's time is up, the players last night have fallen so far backwards, there really is no retrieving the situation with Cooper in charge. Time for an experienced head to come in and tell some of the players what's what. They're, on the whole, paid to do a job and they are not performing.

  • 7 Dec 2023, 9:40 p.m.

    And on the plus side, at least we know it definitely won't be Chris Wilder.

  • 7 Dec 2023, 9:56 p.m.

    I am hoping for that French bloke who was particularly to a cheeseboard coming back. What was his name??

  • 7 Dec 2023, 9:57 p.m.

    Philippe Montanier